Chapter 57: Siblings

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Between classes, homework and Quidditch practise, I barely had time to breathe. I was as exhausted as I was around the full moon daily, so I dreaded what would happen the next full moon. A two-week coma, perhaps?

As I was rushing to DADA after inhaling my lunch, running late due to trying to do my overdue homework over the lunch hour, I found myself accosted in the corridor by an unfamiliar group of students.

"Hey, freak," I heard someone call, "What's up with the scars!"

I bit my lip and kept walking, determined to ignore them.

"She's a monster, that's for sure," they laughed, and I turned around to say something when I was flung off my feet.

"What's your problem?" I demanded, dragging myself to my feet with a grimace.

"You," I didn't recognise the Ravenclaw who was speaking to me, "You're a freak, Malfoy. Your dad's a Death Eater, you—"

He didn't get to finish before I lunged for him, forgetting I was a wizard and that I could have used a spell. My fist connected with his jaw, he cried out in pain before jabbing his wand at me, making me fly back against the wall with a crash.

"See what I mean!" He said to his friends, "A psycho! She'll be one of the first to join You-Know-Who given the chance."

"Shut up!" I yelled angrily, grimacing as I stood. I had a gash on my forehead and I must have sprained my ankle when I hit the wall.

"Or what?" The Ravenclaw boy taunted.

"Lyra?" a familiar voice said and I grimaced, "What's going on here?"

"Come on," the Ravenclaw glared at me one last time before moving off with his friends, leaving me with my brother.

"Draco," I sighed, brushing myself off, "If you're going to make a snide comment, I'm not in the mood."

"What happened? Are you hurt?" He ignored me and approached me further.

"I don't know," I sighed, "I was on my way to class when they popped up. I'm not really hurt, just a bit shaken, it caught me off guard."

"Where were your friends?" He asked.

"They left earlier, I said I'd catch them up. I haven't made much progress evidently," I sighed, flinching as I moved my weight onto my bad foot, "Damn, I think I sprained my ankle or something."

"What class do you have? I'll take you there, I'm sure your professor would be able to heal it," he said, grabbing my arm and making me flinch.

"Why?" I asked quietly, frowning at him.

"Because I'm your brother. I've been an arse in the past, but I've realised now that how you were treated is disgusting. And I'm going to find out who did this and make sure it doesn't happen again. They think because you're a Malfoy who isn't in Slytherin they can treat you like dirt, but they'll not do it again," he said sternly, "Now, what class?"

"Defence," I said quietly and he walked forward with me.

There was a ripping sound as Draco let go of me and something was dabbed on my head - he had ripped the bottom of his shirt to make a small cloth. I winced in pain as he worked, but he ignored me, cleaning the blood that had begun to drip down my face a little. I knew it was a superficial cut, but it still hurt.

"It's just a small cut, no real damage," he said as he tucked the ripped bit of his shirt in his pocket, "It's not bleeding anymore, you can barely notice it!"

"Barely notice it over the rest of my scarring you mean," I gave a small laugh, "Thank you, Draco."

"It's the least I can do, I am your older brother," he said grinned.

"By about ten minutes," I grumbled, frowning at him.

"Come on, better not be even later than you are," he said softly.

"Sorry professor, Lyra had a bit of trouble prior to class," Draco said as we walked inside the classroom.

"We'll discuss it after class, begin your reading now and you might catch up," Snape said as Draco helped me to the table.

"Alright, see you," Draco left and I felt eyes on me.

"What happened?" Hermione asked.

"I... got jumped. A bunch of people I didn't know, took my father's status personally, decided I was like him," I sighed.

"Oh my god..." Hermione said, shock evident in her voice.

"It's fine. What are we reading?" I asked.

"Chapter four, its on Unforgiveable Curses," she said quietly, examining me with concern.

"Hermione," I looked at her with a smile, "Don't worry, I'm fine. A sprained ankle, small cut. No big deal."

After an excruciating hour of silence, Snape asked me to stay behind as the rest of the class left. I swallowed thickly, fear at what was going to happen to me. It was the first time I had been alone with Snape since everything had happened, but my fear was unfounded.

"I overheard what you said to Granger," he sighed, "Episkey. You should be able to put weight on that ankle now."

"Thanks, sir," I said, relishing the fact I was no longer limping.

"Who did it?" He asked and I sighed.

"I don't know. I mean... I didn't know them, I don't even know what year they're in," I sighed.

"Until we work out who it was, make sure a friend is with you at all times," he said.

"Why are people so cruel?" I asked, fidgeting in front of Snape.

"That's what happens when they don't understand something. What they think doesn't matter. You know the truth, as do your friends," he said, "And we'll find out who it was, they'll serve detention for the rest of their time at this school."

"Thank you, professor," I hesitated, "I'm sorry. For how I've acted. It wasn't fair."

"It was fair, Lyra," Snape said, his voice uncharacteristically soft, "For what I did, what I agreed to do... I don't deserve your forgiveness, nor an apology."

"You do, and I'm giving it to you," my voice grew stronger, "You protected me this whole time at Hogwarts, put your own position in jeopardy to keep things from my father. The least I can do is show a little sacrifice on my part, so that you can keep your act up."

"Thank you, though I still don't deserve it," he reached towards me, squeezing my shoulder, "We will get through this, and things will be normal again."

It was a few days later before I spoke to Draco again, though I noted nobody was giving me any more bother. Was it because of him? Whatever the reason, I wasn't forced to have an escort for very long, and I was currently on my way back to the common room after my last class.

"Lyra," Draco's voice filled my ears and I turned to him, "Don't worry, you won't be bothered again."

"Wait... how did you...?" I frowned at his figure, his face was dark, his eyes too old.

"The idiots felt like bragging," he shrugged, "Don't worry, I didn't hurt them. Just a few good old fashioned threats. But they won't mess with you again."

"Thank you, Draco," I smiled. "This means the world."

"Don't worry about it," his face fell suddenly, and I looked behind me to see a figure approaching.

"Mr Malfoy, with me," it was Snape.

"I'll talk to you later," Draco's voice had become strained and I stared at the two retreating figures in confusion. What was going on? Why was my brother reacting like that to Snape, why did Snape need to speak to him privately?

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