Chapter 4: Erised

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My father slammed his cane into the floor of Malfoy Manor. I jumped, my head down.

"A Gryffindor. You dare to bring shame to our family name like that," his voice was scarily even, "For centuries, our family have been in Slytherin. We have had a noble tradition, and you come along and ruin it just like that."

"I didn't get a-" I looked up, but the look on his face made me fall silent.

"Do not dare speak out of turn," he hissed, "I do not care for the opinions of blood traitors. Draco has told me all about your little friendships groups. Mudbloods and blood traitors, very fitting. I can see how little you care for our family name now."

I choked back tears. Why did he hate me so just for being sorted differently?

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He roared, his hands wrapping around my neck, lifting me up.

I stared at him in fear as he dropped me to the ground, gasping for breath. He seemed shocked at his own actions, as though something had taken over him and made him lay a hand on me, but a mask quickly fell over his features again when he looked down at me.

"I do not expect you to put another toe out of line, or there will be consequences," he hissed, "Do not consider yourself one of the family anymore, you are a Malfoy in name only. Absolute disgrace to this family."

With that, he stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. I heard a click as it locked and pulled my knees up to my chest, hugging them tightly.

I was left alone in that room, the only contact I had was with Dobby the House Elf, he came in to bring me food and water. But other than that, I was alone.

A few days after I had arrived home, my father returned to the room. I shrunk into the corner, shaking terribly as he took his wand out.

With one swift wave of his wand, he cut my hair to above my ears. He had always loved my long brown hair, his way of showing affection to me had always been by stroking it. That was when I knew he was truly cutting off any ties with me, the hair was symbolic. I was no longer truly a Malfoy, and I knew I no longer wanted to be.

"Pathetic," he spat, "If you really want, I can give you something to cry about."

By the time the holidays ended, I was broken. After that day, he had just neglected me. I hadn't even seen my mother or brother the whole time I was there, I was just locked in the basement with Dobby for company. Any possibility I saw of reconciling with my family was gone, I was clearly one of the undesirables in their eyes.

For eleven years of my life, I had been spoilt by my parents, never left wanting. Now, I was treated the same as I had seen them treat most others they viewed as lesser. Because I was a Gryffindor, I was shunned, and I still couldn't wrap my head around that fact.

Surely a parent should love their child no matter what, yet my parents disowned me because of a talking hat. 

"Lyra, what happened to you?" It was Hermione, staring at me open-mouthed.

My father sneered at her, pulling me away. Clearly he didn't want anyone to see how much of a disappointment I was to them. His hand was tight around the back of my neck, someone who wasn't paying much attention would just think it was a show of affection.

"I don't want to hear about you talking to that mudblood ever again," he hissed at me as we neared the train, "Nor the blood traitors. Unfortunately, you still carry our name while at that school, and I will not sit by and watch you defile it anymore with your relations. I will be telling Severus to keep an eye on you."

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