Chapter 6: Bravery

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"Lyra!" I heard the others scream.

"I'm fine, keep going," I said, my eyes watering from the pain.

The game came to a close. Ron sacrificed himself as well, flying off the stone horse and onto the floor, then Harry called checkmate. We did it!

Harry and Hermione went on at my request. I stayed with Ron, masking my pain as much as possible so not to worry the other two. They had bigger problems than that.

"Urgh... Did we win?" Ron asked groggily as I approached, much to my relief.

"Yes, but Hermione and Harry went on ahead," I said and he sat up slowly.

Hermione came back and said Harry had to go on alone as Snape's puzzle allowed only one to move back and one forward. They believed the Dark Lord was behind it, so it was Harry's fight at the end of the day. She said we should make our way back so we ran past all of the enchantments, and I was happy we wouldn't have to do them again. It was definitely easier on the way back.

We got back and straight away Zeus, my owl, appeared. Hermione scribbled a letter and handed it to him and he flew off immediately. I grinned after him, he always knew when he was needed.

"Warning Dumbledore!" she explained and we hurried Ron to the Hospital Wing. He was badly bruised but would survive. I was thankful to him, without his bravery we wouldn't have succeeded. He was a true Gryffindor.

I could feel the pain in my side growing, but Ron looked worse than me so I acted fine. I stood behind the others to avoid their glances as I struggled to keep my composure. It wasn't proper to act the fool if Ron as in more pain than me, I'd keep my head down until he was healed and then speak up.

Madam Pomfrey was asking us lots of questions when McGonagall and Snape burst in. I stared at Snape in relief. But if he was here, who was Harry with?

"WHAT HAVE YOU BEEN DOING!" McGonagall yelled at us, her nostrils flaring, "WHERE IS POTTER?"

We explained everything to her and she went pale.

"You... you went in there..." she said, her voice weak.

"Sneaking around the castle at night, going into the forbidden corridor..." sneered Snape and McGonagall shot him a look.

"We have to inform Albus!" she said to him, looking frantic.

"We have already sent him an owl!" said Hermione.

"You could have been killed," Snape was staring at me in particular and I froze under his glare, "Rules are there for a reason."

"I'm sorry, professor," I stammered, "We... we thought something was..."

It was at that moment I let out a small gasp of pain as I felt my side grow worse.

"Lyra, are you okay?" all eyes were on me.

"I'm fine..." my voice was strained.

"On the bed. Now," Madam Pomfrey said in a warning voice and I obliged. She felt along my side and I gasped in pain at her touch, "I sometimes wonder about these pupils! You're in a worse state than Mr Weasley, yet you just stood there silently. For goodness sake, broken ribs yet you don't say a word."

"I thought Ron needed the help more than me..." I said quietly.

The teachers shared a glance before Madam Pomfrey started casting spells over me, easing my pain immediately. Snape and McGonagall left soon after, whether to find Harry or something else, I had no clue - but if I was right and Snape was innocent, who was waiting for Harry?

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