Chapter 18: Dementor

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My parents saw me and my brother off at the station, as usual. I waved at Hermione, catching her eye across the platform, before both of my parents gave me a hug goodbye.

"Write to us," my mother warned me, causing me to smile slightly.

"Promise," I grinned despite myself.

"Make sure to lose Gryffindor lots of points," my father said, his face tight.

"Not a chance," I laughed slightly, his face breaking into a small smile as well, "See you!"

I ran over to Hermione, still grinning. She was frowning at me, but I just shook my head.

"I'll tell you later," I said softly, "For now, let's find the others!"

We met up with them, scouring the train for an empty compartment. The only available one had a man in it, he seemed to be a teacher, but he was asleep. I shrugged at the others, opening the door and slipping in.

"Who do you reckon he is?" Ron asked.

"Professor R.J. Lupin," Hermione didn't even miss a beat as she sat down with her new cat, Crookshanks, on her lap, and I stifled a laugh.

"You know everything! How is it she knows everything!" Ron cried out, staring at her.

"It's on his case, Ronald," Hermione rolled her eyes and I shook my head at the two of them.

"I need to tell you something," Harry glanced at the man, "Do you think he's really asleep?"

"Looks it, what's up?" I asked, grinning slightly at Tobias as he frowned at me.

"Let me get this straight," Ron spoke, "Sirius Black escaped Azkaban to come after you?"

I was sitting with a frown on my face after Harry had spoken.

"But they'll catch Black, won't they? I mean... eventually?" Tobias asked.

"Sure - of course, no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before," I shrugged, ignoring Ron's wide eyed stare.

Suddenly, the train stopped and everything went cold. I heard everyone gasp from the sudden change in temperature and frowned, my brain slowly working out what was wrong. A sense of dread began to fill me and I struggled to keep it together for just a few seconds more.

"We're not there yet!" said Ron, looking out the window. He shivered slightly and I glanced around at everyone else. I was greeted with pale faces and wide eyes, nobody knew what was happening.

"What's going on?" Tobias asked, as we all stared wide-eyed at one another.

The lights began to flicker, the air growing colder by the second.

"Maybe we've broken down?" I asked, my voice shaking slightly.

"There's something moving out there," Ron said, staring out the window.

We jumped as a hand curled around the edge of the door, a slimy scabbed hand, pushing the door open further-

"Ah, you're awake," the voice startled me, I frowned as I sat up, "Hey, slow down. Eat this, it'll help."

I took the item thrust into my hand, taking a bite in a dazed state. Chocolate.

"What happened?" I asked, frowning around the room, my eyes landing on the man sitting across from me, "Where is this?"

The man was wearing ragged robes, his face pale and tired, littered with scars. But he had kind eyes, and his concern for me was evident. Professor R.J. Lupin.

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