Chapter 22: Black

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I yelled in shock as I went flying, Crabbe and Goyle letting go of me. I resisted the urge to draw my wand, there was already five against one, it would be a losing fight. I scrambled back to my feet, holding my hands up in defeat.

"Draco-" I tried again.

"Ventus," I was thrown backwards again by spiralling winds from Draco's wand.

I took the opportunity without a second thought. I had a clear line into the forest, if I could avoid any more curses from him. I jumped to my feet, legging it towards the forest, deciding anything in there was better than Draco.

I heard feet thundering behind me, but I didn't stop to see how close they were.

"Oppugno," my brother yelled, and rocks flew at my head, scratching my face.

I didn't let that stop me, picking up speed to make it to the tree line. I could hide in there until he lost interest, then make it back to my friends. But I couldn't fight back, no matter how much I wanted to. That way, Draco would just change the narrative to fit his interests.

The footsteps behind me grew fainter and fainter, the yelling becoming silence other than my own thundering footfalls. I took in a deep breath and stopped running. There was a cut just above my eye, I could feel the blood. Thank god he hadn't followed me into the forest.

My brother's hatred of me was something I couldn't quite explain. Was he angry that my parents accepted me again? I didn't know, but I knew I had no intention of being caught again.

I felt eyes on me and whipped around, my wand raised automatically. It wasn't my brother like I had expected, it was a great bearlike black dog, baring it's teeth and growling at me.

I lowered my wand and gave a small laugh.

"The Grim. Go on then, put me out of my misery," I sighed, looking it in the eyes.

Suddenly, it transformed into a man. He was in prison rags and covered in dirt, it looked like he hadn't shaved in years. But he was eerily familiar.

"Sirius Black... you're an animagus..." I whispered.

"Aren't you going to run?" he asked, advancing on me, "Aren't you afraid?"

"Sorry to disappoint, but I don't believe you can be much worse than my father. He's the only thing I'm afraid of," I said slowly, holding his gaze.

He froze, regarding me with interest.

"Who did this to you?" he asked, nodding at my cut.

"My brother," I said stiffly.

"And who might your father be?" he said, interest clear in his voice.

"Lucius Malfoy," I said. Was he going to kill me? Or were my suspicions about this story correct?

"You're a Malfoy," he frowned, "Lyra, I presume? You'll know all about me, then."

"Yes, my family have mentioned it. I was told every day how we're exactly the same, how we're both blood traitors," I said, disgust clear in my voice.

"I take it you weren't sorted into Slytherin, then started questioning their beliefs... that's enough to be a blood traitor for our families," he gave me a small smile and I nodded.

A look of hopefulness suddenly appeared in his eyes.

"Then... you've probably realised there's more to the story than what the public know..." he said slowly, "If I was Voldemort's right-hand man, why am I still a blood traitor?"

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