Chapter 68: DA Returns

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He froze, turning to me with a frown.

"I ask nothing of you, except for trusting me," he said, "Keep your head down. The Carrows are merciless, I have only taken the position as headmaster to protect you all as best I can from them. The other teachers will protect you as well, I'm sure of that."

"I want to help!" I cried out.

"Lyra, all I need is your safety," he sighed before turning to another portrait, "I'm keeping an eye on Harry and his friends. Phineas Nigellus Black, a portrait hanging in Grimmauld Place. They went there after the wedding, Granger hid his portrait in her bag to stop me spying on them.

"It's still there. I know exactly where they are, I hear what they're doing," he glanced at me, "They are infiltrating the Ministry tomorrow, they've been staking out the entrance. They're looking for a Horcrux. Return here tomorrow evening and I'll tell you how they got on."

"If there's anything I can do, tell me," I said, staring at him.

"Just promise me you'll be careful," he said, "Your parents didn't want you to return, the Carrows will target you. They asked me to look after you, they don't want to see you hurt. So please don't make me fail in my promise."

I didn't respond, I just walked to the door, heading to the common room without another word.

Snape was good? I had been right to trust him? My head couldn't wrap itself around these revelations, it was still doubting Snape. Yet deep down, I knew it was the truth and I knew I had to trust him.

"What did Snape want?" Neville approached me the minute I arrived, shocking me slightly.

"Oh," why hadn't I come up with an excuse? "Before I came here, just a day ago, I may have... well, openly rejected the Dark Lord in front of Bellatrix. He was warning me he would be keeping an eye on me while I was here."

"He didn't hurt you?" Ginny asked.

"No," I shook my head, "A few threats. Apparently, the Carrows are merciless too, so be careful around them."

"What do you think is going to happen this year?" Neville asked, and a few other heads turned our way.

"It'll be difficult," I scratched my head, "We have to help one another. Don't let the Carrows break us down. I trust Harry, he'll defeat the Dark Lord and we'll get through this if we stick together."

"Dumbledore's Army?" Neville asked.

"You bet," I grinned.

"How do we know you're not working for You-Know-Who, Malfoy?" Seamus piped up, and the room went silent.

"You've known me for six years, Seamus," I said quietly, "Do you really—"

"You've spent the summer with him, your brother tried to kill Dumbledore," Seamus continued, "How do we know things haven't changed?"

I felt a flash of anger at his words as the others fell completely silent. After everything, there were still people doubting me, still thinking I was a Death Eater. Without thinking, I wrenched up my left sleeve, the words HALF-BREED TRAITOR standing out as though they had been carved yesterday.

"How's that for a Dark Mark?" I spat, "Do you think anyone on your side would be inhuman enough to do this to me? This was a gift from Bellatrix last year."

They all shared looks before Ginny threw herself at me.

"I'm sorry, Lyra," she said, "He jumped to a conclusion, we're all on edge right now."

"I understand," I gave her a smile, though it was somewhat forced, "If it was anyone else in my shoes, I would have definitely done the same."

"Half-breed?" Seamus spoke suddenly, everyone else had been silent, "What does that mean?"

"I'm sure you've probably worked it out, so don't make me say it," I sighed.

There was an uneasy silence. Was this going to be the straw that broke the camels back? Would this be what made them turn on me?

"I'm sure nobody here is going to have an issue with that," Neville sounded as though he was daring someone to contradict him.

"But... werewolves are..." someone began.

"Do you not remember Professor Lupin? Do you think he's evil?" Ginny said angrily, "If she's public enemy number one for the Death Eaters in this school due to what she is, she doesn't need any of you hating her for something she can't control."

"How did it happen?" Seamus asked, staring at me with a frown.

"It just... happened..." I said quietly, they didn't need to know.

"Lyra," Ginny sounded exasperated, "The night Lupin ended up running free in the woods... he transformed in front of Lyra, Harry, Ron and Hermione. He was going to attack the other three, Lyra was safe, but she didn't want that to happen. She got Lupin's attention and ended up being attacked herself. Not only can she not control the fact she's a werewolf, the only reason she was bitten is because she was selfless and brave. So I don't want to hear another word about it."

Silence followed her words for a few moments, nobody seemed to know how to react.

"I'm sorry," Seamus shocked me by speaking, "I doubt anyone here would have been able to do that. I'm sorry for what I said, I... I admire you, for that."

"If we're going to do this, we need a leader," Ginny said, cutting off a response from me, "Like Harry led us, we need someone to organise things."

"Well, who wants to volunteer?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Looks were shared before Neville stepped forward, staring at me.

"I think you should do it, Lyra," I stepped backwards in shock, "You helped Harry originally, you're the bravest person I know. If I trust anyone to lead us this year, it's you."

There were murmurs of agreement.

"I don't think—" I began.

"All here in favour of electing Lyra as leader?" Ginny spoke and all occupants of the room raised their hands, "It's decided then. You'll lead us."

I hesitated before sighing in defeat. I didn't want to lead this, there were better people to do it and I doubted anyone outside this room would jump at the opportunity to put trust in a Malfoy.

"Only if Neville is my second in command," he looked shocked as he stared at me, "What do you say?"

"Uh... if... if everyone else is okay with it?" I looked around the room and nobody made any sign they disagreed, "Okay... so, what do we do?"

"Well..." I frowned, "First, get word to the original members. Keep it on the down-low, tell them to look out their old DA coins. I know there are people in this room who weren't members last time, latch onto an original member and they'll keep you right. I don't want anyone outside original members and this room to know about it yet, we need to sort out a meeting first and sort things out. We have to do this carefully, the consequences of being caught don't bear thinking about."

"Sounds good," Neville stepped forward, "You heard her. Do not speak a word of this outside this room. Original DA members will spread the word to the others, don't say anything to anyone else. We will let you know when the first meeting is, and we can work things out from there."

I smiled at him slightly, and suddenly conversations began in the room again. Most pertained to what awaited us in classes that next morning, a feeling of fear in the air.

I didn't smile for a long time after that.

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