Chapter 38: The Yule Ball

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Hermione and I helped one another with our hair and makeup the night of the ball. I also managed to find a spell that would hide my scars for a few hours - it would have been great if it was at least semi-permanent, but unfortunately, it was a very weak cosmetic spell. But at least, for that one night, I could pretend my scars weren't there.

Hermione disapproved, of course. When didn't she?

She looked stunning in her pale blue dress, one that suited her perfectly. We were both ready at the same time, but she told me to go on ahead, sitting down on her bed with a sigh.

"Hermione," I said, standing at the door, "You look amazing. And you will have a perfect night with Krum. Don't worry."

She smiled at me, and I descended the stairs, holding my dress up to avoid tripping and ending up landing on my face. Harry and Ron were waiting, we had agreed to go together, and they raised their eyebrows when I appeared.

"Nice," was all Ron said, standing in his maroon lacy dress robes.

"You look..." I cleared my throat, "Nice dress robes."

"Oh, shut up," I grinned at Harry as we both stifled a laugh, Ron's annoyance clear, "Where's Hermione?"

"She's going to follow on after us, told me not to wait," I explained, heading for the portrait hole.

"Poor kid, bet she's alone in her room, crying her eyes out," Ron said, following after me.

"Why would you think that?" Harry spoke before me.

"C'mon, Harry, why do you think she wouldn't tell us who she's coming with?" Ron questioned as we stepped onto the staircase.

"Because we'd take the Mickey out of her," I couldn't help but agree with Harry.

"No one asked her," Ron explained, "Would've taken her myself if she wasn't so bloody proud."

"Just wait and see, Ron," I shook my head, "You two can keep dawdling all night, Tobias is waiting for me."

"Lyra," Tobias smiled, his eyes widening as I descended the staircase, "You look amazing."

I took his arm, smiling at him.

"You brush up well yourself," I teased, and he shook his head at me.

He was wearing black dress robes, his hair sleeked back, and a huge smile on his face. Other students stared at us as we entered the Great Hall, whispers surrounding us.

"Should we be offended that they seem amazed by what we're wearing?" I whispered to him jokingly.

"They're just shocked you managed to look better than you normally do," he whispered back, laughing quietly.

We stood at the edge of the crowd and waited for the Champions and their partners to enter. They entered and begun a slow dance. Soon, me and Tobias joined them and started to dance.

"Well, you weren't lying when you said you knew how to dance," I said after a few minutes.

"Would I ever lie to you?" He replied, spinning me around with a grin on his face.

We alternated between the dance floor and the punch table, the slow dancing quickly evolving into a mosh pit as the Weird Sisters took to the stage. They played their hit "Can You Dance Like A Hippogriff" first, almost every student rushed for the stage to dance, the teachers all standing awkwardly at the sides.

Near the end of the night, they played some slower songs. Most students had left the Great Hall, choosing to either go to bed or find areas with more privacy away from teachers. We swayed in the middle of the dance floor to "Magic Works", Tobias holding me tightly against his chest.

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