Chapter 39: Gillyweed

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Moody marched off and I stared after him silently, frowning.

"You know," Neville picked up one of the books, "If you're interested in plants, you'd be better with Gorshok's Guide to Herbology. Do you know there's a wizard in Nepal whose growing gravity resistant trees?"

"Neville, no offence, but I really don't care about plants," Harry sighed, "Now, if there's a Tibetan turnip that will allow me to breathe underwater for an hour, then great!"

"I don't know about a turnip, but you can always use gillyweed," Neville replied, and I jumped up.

"Neville, you genius!" I grinned, "I'll get the gillyweed to you tomorrow morning. All you need to do is eat it before you enter the water, and you'll be able to breathe underwater for the hour! Approximately."

"What do you mean approx--"

"See you later!"

I booked it to Snape's office. It was still early enough that he wouldn't mind the intrusion, and I hoped with it being me who asked, he wouldn't mind too much about giving it.

"Professor!" I caught him just as he was about to lock his classroom.

"Lyra," he turned to me with a frown, "How can I help you?"

"I was hoping... could I get some gillyweed please?" I asked, smiling up at him.

"Gillyweed? For Potter, I presume," he raised an eyebrow and I nodded.

"He left it until last minute, there's no time to learn a Bubblehead Charm or anything," I sighed, "Please, professor."

"Okay," he unlocked his classroom again, "Only because it's you who is asking."

I grinned, walking in behind him. He rifled through jars along the wall until he came to the one he needed - a greyish green plant that resembled rat tails, yet was covered in slime.

"Thank you," I said, taking the jar from him.

"Lyra, I have to ask," he hesitated, "Lacewing Flies. Knotgrass. Boomslang Skin."

"Ingredients for Polyjuice Potion?" I asked, frowning.

"Yes," he affirmed, "You wouldn't happen to know if your friends are brewing it, would you? I seem to be... missing ingredients."

"I promise you, it's not us," I said, frowning slightly, "So someone is stealing from you to brew Polyjuice?"

"I'll find out who eventually," Snape's eyes narrowed before he looked at me again, "You and Mr Roberts are getting along well."

I grimaced, avoiding his gaze as it bore into me.

"Yeah, we're good friends," I said slowly.

"Friends?" I could hear the smirk in his voice, "Very close friends, yes."

"Okay, we're dating, happy?" I sighed, turning to face him again.

"Happy? I watched you grow up, Lyra, I'm certainly not happy about it," he raised an eyebrow, "But he's a good student. And you seem happy."

"Yep," I smiled awkwardly, "Thanks again for the gillyweed."

"Wish Mr Potter luck for tomorrow," Snape eyed me, "I'm sure he'll succeed again."

"Goodnight," I said, cringing completely as I left the room. The last thing I needed was Snape questioning me about dating.

I wished Harry luck the next morning, handing him the gillyweed and leaving Neville to explain it while I found Tobias. Hermione and Ron were nowhere to be found, something that annoyed Harry, unsurprisingly.

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