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"coming!"my mum said

she opened the door and it was a tall handsome guy wearing a jean jacket with a plain black shirt

"y/n, he is going to be your mood booster for 3 months (100 days) so that you will enjoy your life happily like before"my mum said


"so that he will replace your grandpa"she smiles

"n-no.."i stand up

"no one can ever replace him"i said

"honey, he already left this world.."she said

"i-i'm sorry.."i ran to my room and cry on my bed

minutes later someone came to my room

"a-are you okay?"a guy said

"no i'm not."

he came to me and patted my shoulder

"i know it must've been hard to move on from someone who is staying by your side for years, but trust me he will be fine up there"the guy smiles

he's not a bad guy actually

"w-what's your name?"i ask

"i'm Soobin, Choi Soobin"he said

"and you are y/n?"he ask

"yea, Kang Y/n"i said

"for now on i will be your friend for the next 100 days, so you can text me anytime"he said

"here's my number"he gave me his number

"how old are you?"i change the topic

"uh i actually older than you, 20 years old in korean haha..."he said awkwardly

"ah okay"

"well i have to go now, tomorrow i will start living here for u"he says

i didn't respond

after that he went out from my room

"okay what just happen?"i said

so he'll replace my grandpa? are you serious?

i opened my phone and save his number so that i will call him for help sometime


hey.! this is me y/n

hey there y/n.! tomorrow i will start being your mood booster anytime.!

sooo i will pick u up to school~!


—next morning✨
you already eat breakfast and take a bath.

your mom is already going to work, so you lock the house and then u see soobin is waiting for you in front of the door

"good morning y/n.!"he smiles

"morning"i said a little bit coldly

we get inside his car, i sat at the front beside him and start driving to your school

"by the way"he said

"what time does your school ends?"he ask

"15:00pm"i said

"great, how about after school i'll buy you ice cream if you study well"he giggled

how the hell he knows my favorite food is ice cream-

"sounds great"i smiled


mood booster | choi soobin✔️Where stories live. Discover now