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"are you really gonna l-leave??"i look at him

he nodded, "i have no choice y/n"he said

"today i want to spend my last time with you before tomorrow came"he said

my eyes starting to get teary

"hey don't cry"he laugh

"i can still contact your phone right?"

"actually no.. your mum doesn't like me, she made me buy a new phone tomorrow"he look down

really? wtf mum?

"look the fireworks is already finished, let's go home now.."he grabbed my hand

time skip
— at home —
i finished taking a bath and it was only me and soobin in my house bcs my parents slept at my "fiance" house

since i can't sleep, i bring my pillow and go to soobins room

"can i sleep here?"i ask

"sure..."he said

i came to his bed and lay down quite far from him

we face each other, he stared at my eyes, he looks like he's thinking about something.

"gomawo (thank you)"he said

"thanks for everything"he said

why did he keep saying things that makes me didn't want to loose him even more-

"s-same.."i said

"thank you for showing me your weak side, so that i can protect you"he smiled

i nodded

"oh ya, isn't tomorrow the result of your test?"he said

"oh ya i forgot"i laughed

"i hope i get an high score, i really want to go to the university i wanttt"i said

he nodded

"i'll pray for u"he said

i blush

"now go to sleep it's already late"he close his eyes

i stared at him

then he open one of his eye and look at me

"haha gotchu staring at me"he giggled

"wha-"i blushed

he laugh

"go to sleep now before i kiss u"he said

"fine"i closed my eyes and fell asleep

— next morning —
i am going to hangover soobin to the airport right now

"i'm still not ready.."i said

he laugh

"i'll be alright y/n"he said

"trust me, we will meet again!"he smiles

i nodded and smiled

— at the airport —
we are waiting for the plane

"i hate this"i pout

he chuckled

"i will come to your wedding with michael one day"he faked smiled

"oh ya that guy"i said

"i hate him, he forced me to love him"i said

"yea.."he said

"just be happy without me, i trust u"he blush

and then someone informed us that soobin needs to leave now

soobin was about to leave but i stop him

"w-wait.."i hold his hand

"why?"he looked at me

"promise me we will meet again right?!"my eyes starting to get teary

"of course"he smile

he hugged me tightly and i hug him back

"i c-cant leave you.."he cried on my shoulders


"who will take care of you? who will love you like i do?"he said

"oh and beomgyu was in the same city with you, so you can contact him"he said

i nodded

"i will send you a letter every month y/n"he said

"same.. if i can"i smiled

i broke the hug

"you can leave now.. i don't want you to be late"i chuckled

"take care y/n... from now on stop stressing out about me and continue live happily like when i am with you"he smiled

"you too~! don't forget about me"i said

he then left me slowly, i waved my hand to him

even tho, i am hurt because i just loose someone i loved again. but i need to be myself from now, i know soobin don't like me when i cry bcs of him

let's meet again one day, goodbye soobin.

i cri in this chapter:"

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