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i headed in front of the girls restroom and i hear a girl crying in the restroom

"hello?? are you okay.?!"i shout


y-y/n?! what happened to her?!

"soobin if ur hearing this, please help me get out from here.!!"she shout

"alright y/n..just wait"i said and then kick the door hardly

then i bang the door with my arm

after minutes of trying it really can't open

i seat down for a minute while panting for breath

"a-are you o-okay?"y/n says trough the door

"i'm okay y/n, i think she didn't locked the door with keys so it'll be easy to break the door"i get up

i kept bang the door with my arm and then a couple of minutes later it finally opened

i ran to y/n and kneel down while holding her shoulders

"are okay.?! did you get hurt!?"i said while panicking

"n-no.. i'm not fine."she says

"did your arm hurt?"she asks

"a little.."

i hold her hand and help her standing up

"lets pack our bags and go home right now"i said

end pov

— y/n pov —
• at home
i change my cloths into a dark red cozy hoodie with some shorts

(bruh that's what i'm wearing rn -author)

soobin put a hansaplast on my cheek

"done"he smiles

i was get ready to sleep while soobin is covering my body with blankets around me

"goodnight"he smiled and left


too late.

he is not really a bad guy to me

he really concern about me these days

oh wait omg i'm so stupid that's his job bruh-

okay time to go to sleep

— 01:00 am —
i suddenly wake up from a nightmare

i was panting for breath while crying softly

i dreamed about my crush Jungkook in that dream he was an antagonist who treats me so bad

i tried to go back to sleep but i can't

i bring my pillow and go to soobin's bedroom which is it was beside my bedroom

i knock the door but he didn't respond

so i decided to go in right away and then i saw soobin was sleeping peacefully on the bed

"he must've been tired because of me.."i came to him

he sleeps in the right corner of his bed so i'll sleep at the carpet beside him

but then he said smthn

"y-y/n.."he slowly opens his eyes and look at me

"what are you doing here? let's go back to your room and sleep-"

"i was having a nightmare and now i can't sleep so i came here.."i said

soobin was really a life savior

"here, sleep at my bed"soobin said

"no that's fine it's yours anyway..."

"my bed is so large it can fit 4 people here, you deserve the best y/n"he smiles

"fine."i lay down on the left corner of his bed

"why are you still crying?? don't worry it just a dream i'm here for u"he smiles



i'm cryin at this chapter i can imagine him being this sweet and soft🥺

(yes i like soft boy more than bad boy)

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