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— soobin pov —
what is this feeling...

i feel like something stabbed my heart without touching

"d-do i.."

"like her?"

"what the hell.."

she is only a friend to me not more

but this feeling?

how to delete feelings to someone?

i go to my room and lay down on my bed


that's great then i finally make her happiness back

i will not be here for a few days, i need more fresh air

but why am i feeling something bad will happen to her relationship? no no no i don't want to break their relationship

— y/n pov —
since tomorrow is monday, after school i have a date with my boyfriend, jungkook.

i feel really nervous this time, i didn't expect someone wants to be with me

• at night •
i pray before going to sleep but then soobin came in

"tomorrow after i pick you up to school, i will go somewhere"he smiles


"quite far, i'm going to be out for a few days hehe... i need fresh air"he said

"n-ne.."i nodded

he came to me and whisper to my ear

"have fun with your new boy"he smirk and left my room

what just happen-

he's acting weird lately idk why

i close my eyes and fell asleep

• tomorrow at school •
i was sitting at the bench and then someone came to me

"hey y/n"jungkook smiles


"about the date? you can come right?"he ask

i nodded

"nice, after school let's just go ahead to the mall"


time skip (ye i am lazy)
— after school —
me and jungkook took a taxi to the mall and then finally we arrived to the mall

he hold my hand slowly and enters the mall

"go shop some clothes"he says


we go to some clothing shop

"does this skirt looks nice?"i point at the skirt

"too short."he says coldly

what? suddenly?

"let's go to the arcade instead"he dragged me to the arcade

— meanwhile —
soobin pov
i go to my hometown, i miss my aunt so much i haven't seen her since i got my job as y/n's mood booster.

i greeted my aunt first and then take a fresh air at the beach

"will y/n be alright?"

"i don't trust that guy"

"he looks like he have been planning about smthn behind y/n"

i sigh

let's just forget about it.

end pov

back to y/n pov
it was already 07:00pm and jungkook drive me to my house

"thanks for today"i smiles

"y-yea your welcome"he scratched the back of his neck

suddenly he gets a notification from someone

"srry gtg now.."he chuckled

i nodded, we waved at each other as he left.

i go in to my house and change my clothes

i lay down my bed and staring at the wall

a day without soobin.

why do i feel empty when he's not around?

i don't even have feelings for him...

i chat soobin and ask how have he been doing but he didn't answer

i-i need you... i want to tell you how i feel today..


srry if my story is keep getting boring:')

mood booster | choi soobin✔️Where stories live. Discover now