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he pull me to his embrace making us cuddling

"just stay like this until next morning"he said in his deep voice

my heart is beating faster than before so is soobin.

he fell asleep right away

i look deeply on his face, "i hate you for making me feeling that i don't want to loose you"

after that i fall asleep.

— next morning —
soobin pov
i slowly open my eyes and see that me and y/n were still in the same position as yesterday night

i tapped her shoulder, "y/nnie wake up~"i said

"hm.."she says

i chuckled

i was planning to get a revenge on her ex today, i can't hold it anymore

i break the hug slowly

"what are you doing?"she says while her eyes is still closed

"getting ready"i said

"for what?"she ask


"alright then.."she says and go back to sleep

i get my stuff and then left the house

i am so toxic. if someone hurt y/n, i'll teach him a big lesson for him.

i text him while ago to meet up (if you are wondering why soobin has his number, y/n gave his number to him if something happens to y/n)

but he still doesn't know who i am

i drove to the location that we're going to meet

— minutes later —
i finally arrived, i took my keys with me and go to jungkook aka y/n's ex

it's only the two of us in the location

"who are u?"he ask

"me? i am choi soobin, y/n's best friend"i said

"what do you want?"

i came closer to him and punch his face

"yah.!"he shout

i grab his shirt and say, "you should've treat y/n as a women, not like a piece of trash!"i shout back

he didn't answer but punched me back

"tch, why are you on her side? she's being so emotional since her grandpa's death"he said

"you really wanna know why i always protect her?"

"you just didn't know the deep inside of her heart. she sincerely loves you with all of her heart but you return her feelings like this are you serious?"i said

"from now on don't even touch y/n again i warned you"i said coldly and punch his face making him fall to the ground

we keep punching each other face&body and then couple minutes later we stopped

"i warned u. don't ever touch y/n again or else something bad will happen to you"i said

"fine."he said and left as i do

— at home —
y/n pov

dInG DoNg!

"coming.!"i said and ran to the front door and open it

i widen my eyes seeing that soobin's face, neck, and his arm has a lot of bruises in there

"i am willing my life to sacrifice for you, now u must repay me"he smiled


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