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time skip
— at night —
it's currently 08:00pm at night, me and soobin were eating mc donald's in the car

"i never go out this late before"i said

"so how was it?"he said while eating his burger

i nodded, "great" i giggled

he smiled

after we eat, we take a late night walk at the hangang park (some korean ppl go to that park at night time maybe i forgot-)

"how many months does your contract left?"i as

"hmm,, maybe one and a half months left"he said

"why did you ask?"he chuckled

"i-i don't wanna l-loose someone a-again.."i hugged him while we're walking

"we still have so much time y/nnn"he pinch my cheeks and hugged me back

"i am still not willing to leave you either~"he says

"promise me you will never leave?"i said

"i promise~!"he smiled

he broke the hug

i got an idea

"catch me if you can~!"i said and run away

soobin pov
"catch me if you can~!"she laughed and run away

"ah sinca, y/nnn!"i run to her

it was a late night. we are enjoying like the world is only for me and y/n

"HAHAA I CATCH YOU!!"i touch her shoulder

"not f a i r"she pouted

we continue walking slowly until

"let's take a picture"she says


we take bunch of random pictures and selfies in the park

after that we decided to go home

"how was today?"

"so fun"she smiles

"finally.."i chuckled

"i'll bring you to hangang park more often if you're not in your mood"i said and drive back home

"yesss"she happily

time skip—
day-1 before exam
y/n pov

now soobin is always teaching me the lesson for the exam

i can't focus, i always admiring his charming face.

"yah why are you looking at me-"

"i like you soobin."i said

d-did i really said it? gosh..

"w-what?"he said

"yes, i do have feelings for you since the day you take me out to hangang park"i blush

"you are making me feeling that i don't want to loose you"

he blushed

"i-i um.."

"to be honest i d-do have feelings for you too but"he said

"but what?"

"promise me you will focus on your exam first, after that we will start dating?"he said

i nodded happily, "yes ofc"i said

he chuckled and caress my hair

"let's continue studying"he said


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