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still soobin's pov
i waited for her for like 1 hour and she finally wake up

"y/nn! u finally wake up"i said happily

she opened her eyes slowly and saw me

"s-soobin?"she said

"what are you doing here while holding my hand? i thought u didn't have feelings for me anymore"she says

"no y/n u miss understood"i said

"but i can't tell you the reasons, probably you'll know it soon"

she coughed

"y-y/n are u alright?!"

"n-no... i'm not fine"she says

she let go of my hand and avoided me

"can you please get out? i need some time alone"she said

i nodded, "anything for you y/n"i get up and leave her room

y/n pov
after he left my room i started crying again

god i can't move on from him

he's literally everything to me

— afternoon —
soobin suddenly came to my room and bring me porridge and hot tea

"here, you need to eat so you'll not get sick"he put it on my desk

i came to my desk and sat down

"i'll leave now"he bowed at me and left my room, again.

— at night —
soobin came in to my room again

"y/nn tomorrow your family is going to meet someone, and you have to come"he smiled

"will you come too?"

he nodded

he dim the lights and say "goodnight y/n" in his deep voice

time skip
— tomorrow —
you are currently in a fancy restaurant, it seems like my family is going to meet someone

then my parents friend finally came

"y/n please introduce yourself to them"my dad said

"annyeonghaseo, my name is Kang Y/n. i am 18 years old, and also its nice meeting u"i bowed

"annyeonghaseo, my name is Michael and it's nice meeting you too"a guy bowed at me

"so y/n he's going to be your future husband"my mum said happily

i widen my eyes

wtf? i am forced married with a guy i don't know?

wait- so this is why soobin forced to break up with me?

WTFFFFF, i am REALLY disappointed at my parents.

"mom i want to be happy with my o-own decision please"i said coldly

"you want to date soobin right? well i only gave him to you as your best friend not more"my mum said

"b-but mom-"

"shhht, just do what u said y/n!!"she shout making all ppl looking at us

it rlly breaks my heart hearing my own mum shouting at me in front of many ppl

she is crazy.

"so now soobin has 2 more days to see you"my dad said


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