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"you guys don't look like just a friend either"beomgyu laughed

"wait really?"i said

"yep, every time soobin is going out alone he always contact us to protect you he even gave us your number even if we didn't know you"beomgyu said

"he really worried if something bad happens to you y/n"yeonjun said

"maybe you guys should date!"yeonjun said

"pfttt what-"i said

"yeah, yeonjun hyung was right"beomgyu laughed

i blushed

time skip
(note: since i'm lazy imma skip to the last day of y/n's exam)

— after school —
soobin pov

"soobinnn!!"y/n ran to me happily and hugged me

i hugged her back and smiled, "how's the exam??"i said

"actually it's kinda easy hehe..."she broke the hug

"great then"i smiled

"now since you already done the exam"i came closer to her

"let's start dating?"i ask nervously

"y-yesss! i want to be your girlfriend"she smiles making me melt

"great, let's go to the amusement park~"i hold her hand and dragged her to the cat

— at the amusement park —
"let's play the carnival game?"she says

i nodded, "if you loose, may i have a kiss on my cheeks?"i said

"yah soobin-"

"no buts"i pout

"fine"she said

"but if u loose, will u give me a peck on my cheeks?she said

"fine~"i said then we go to the carnival section

/later then/

"YESSS I WIN"i shout happily

"noooo"she pouts

"don't worry, u don't have to kiss me now it's very crowded and it's gonna be embarrassing-"i said

she nodded

"let's go ride the roller coaster!"she said

"are you crazy?"i gulp

"cmon let's go"she giggled and grabbed my hand to the roller coaster section

we have to wait in a line until then it was finally our turn

/after the ride

at the whole ride i keep screaming like a crazy person even everyone looked at me-

"LMAOO YOUR SO FUNNY AT THE RIDE"she laugh out loud

"it's not funny-"i pout

"we should go ride roller coaster more often"she smirk

we spend our time with playing some games/rides at the amusement park, and then for the last ride we decide to ride a ferris wheel while watching the sun goes down

we sit across from each other so she's in front of me

"u forgot the promise"i smirk

"oh yeah.."she said awkwardly

she was about to stand up but the ferris wheel were shaking

and now she fell on top of me.


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