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3 days later
y/n pov

everything was good until i saw something that makes me hurt & shocked.

"yah!!"i shout

i saw jungkook hugging other girl in the bench while i was on my way to school

he looked at me

"oh? y/n?"he says

"u still didn't know that i only use you?"he laugh evilly

i hold back my anger but i can't.

"you know what? i regret loving you and cared for you. i gave u everything but why are you repaying me like this? are you crazy?!!"i shout

"let's break"i said and walk away from them, you are disgusted.

i decided to skip school today and go to a park

it starts raining slowly, but i don't fckn care.

i text soobin about what happen earlier

soobinie pabo🐰

*tells everything*

soobinie pabo🐰

soobinie pabo🐰
i'm on my way back to your house rn just wait a couple hours!



/hours later/
you are home alone because your mum is busy with works and then someone knock the door

i opened the door and it reveals soobin

he push me inside slowly and close the door

"a-are you okay?!"he said worriedly while holding my shoulder

"n-no..."i frowned

he sigh

"i knew it from the beginning, i didn't trust him."soobin look at me

"yea i know i regret didn't agreeing you.. mianhae.."

he chuckled, "that's fine"he said

he let go both of my shoulder

"i'm gonna go and take a rest, call me if you need anything"he smiled and walk to his room


— at night —
you are trying to sleep but you can't.

you keep thinking about what just happen today, it got stuck.

i decide to go to soobin's room, i bring my pillow and went to his bedroom

i opened the door slowly and entered his room

he is sleeping peacefully in the left side of the bed so i'm gonna take the right side

i lay down slowly not to wake him up but failed

"y/n?"he said on his morning voice

oh shoot

"can't sleep again? haha"he laugh


he pull me to his embrace making us cuddling

"just stay like this until next morning"he said in his deep voice

my heart is beating faster than before so is soobin.

he fell asleep right away

i look deeply on his face, "i hate you for making me feeling that i don't want to loose you"

i'm sobbing-
/cries in soft stan/

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