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next day—!
still y/n pov
u wear some casual clothes to meet soobin today

since michael already left, i can go out any time i want. u took a taxi to go to the cafe

— at the cafe —
you came in to the cafe seeing that soobin already here

i smiled and went to him

"hiii"i said

"hi y/n~"he smiled

i sit at the chair in front of him

"here i already order your favorite bread and coffee"he said

"y-you still remember?"i said

he nodded

"of course, how can i forget?"he laugh

i chuckled and sips coffee, after that i put the coffee in the table again

"oh ya what do you want to tell me?"i said

"w-well uh, i-i'm not sure if i have to tell u or not"he said

"that's fine i don't forced u"i said

"i'll tell u don't worry"he smiled


"okay soo..."he said

"your dad allowed me to be close with you again-"

"w-wait really?!!"i said happily

"nee.."he said

"that's great then"i smiled

he nodded

— hours later —
after talking about random things, i have to go home now. it's already late

soobin escorted me to my house

"thank you for the ride.."i blush

"your welcome, call me if you need me"he smiled

i nodded, i enter my house and then i saw michael bringing some girls again.

"really? are you serious?"i said

"again?!"i shout

"why tho? am i even wrong?"michael says

you close the door so soobin can't hear your conversation from outside

"yes u are, stop bringing girls u nasty jerk"i said coldly

"tch, you know why i am doing this? i am doing this so i can get attention from you because you always missed that guy soobin!!"he shout

"wtf, what kind of attention is that?"i said

michael came to me and hit my head with his wine bottle

i fell down while touching my head, my head bloody.

my head was super dizzy like i my eyesight became more blurry

michael go to his room with his girl and left me alone in the living room

"s-someone help.."after that it all became black.

— soobin pov —
i was about to leave but then i hear someone smash a bottle so loud from the outside

i started to became worry, i knocked the door multiple times but no one answer it

i have no choice, i enter her house and then i saw y/n collapse in the floor while her head is bloody because of the wine

i quickly came to her, "y/n!! what happened?!!"i said started crying

i pick up y/n with a bridal style and go to the hospital


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