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we sit across from each other so she's in front of me

"u forgot the promise"i smirk

"oh yeah.."she said awkwardly

she was about to stand up but the ferris wheel were shaking

and now she fell on top of me.

our fans was too close to each other, even our nose touches

i stared at her eye while gulping

i never been this close to someone i loved

"s-soobin.."she said

"ok fine i'll do it but be too shock"she says and peck my lips

i widen my eyes, i thought she was going to kiss my cheeks not lips-

she quickly move away from me and hide her red face

"god, i'm too embarrassed to face u"she sit down

i laughed, "u r so cute~"i said

— after the ride —
"let's go home now"i said

she nodded, "yeah.."she says

after that we drive back to her house

time skip
y/n pov
at my house

i go take a bath and get ready to sleep

"oh God what did i just do to him..."

i covered my face with my blanket and rolling around on my bed like crazy

and then i sit on my bed while my hair is rlly messy

soon then soobin came in

"what happen to you-"

"shh, i'm still embarrassed"i said

he chuckled

"go to sleep, it's already late"he said

"fine"i said and go to my position to sleep

soobin came to me and caress my hair softly

"do not ever change to me, i can't loose you."he smiled

"i can't loose u either"i play with his ears

"i will never ever regret having the best man in the world"i said in low voice

he nodded

"of course"he chuckled as i slightly hit him playfully

"alright then goodnight y/n"he kiss my forehead and left from my room

"goodnight too.. soobin"i slightly smiled and close my eyes

— next day —
soobin pov
i saw cleaning the dishes and then y/n's mum called me

"soobin, i need to talk to you"she said a bit serious

"yes mrs"i wash my hand and came to her

"are you dating with my daughter?"she ask

i widen my eyes, where does she knows all of this stuff?

"answer it truthfully or i'll not let u see her face again"she said

"y-yes mrs"i look down to my feet

she sigh

"u are not allowed to date y/n soobin, i already planned her to married her with my friends son"she said


i feel like it's something breaking

"d-does y/n knows about t-this?"i ask

"no, soon she'll know"

"you can only be friends w/her. remember, u are just her mood booster not more"she said

"so please break up with her right now before i kicked u outside of my house"she faked smiled and go to her room

i hold back my tears so everyone wouldn't notice.

how would y/n knows about this?


mood booster | choi soobin✔️Where stories live. Discover now