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— at school —
you sit at near the window again because you really like enjoying the view from your class

and then your teacher came to the in front of your class

"everyone.!! our school is having a anniversary school party tomorrow night, you can invite your parents/your siblings as well, please come at 06:00pm"he said happily as the class cheered

wait so...


but my introvert soul is more strong than my extrovert soul

i should bring Soobin too as well.!

— after school —
i saw walking out from the school and then someone pull my hair down making me shock

"i heard u had a crush on Jungkook right?"Lina says

"well i bet he likes me more"she smirk as her friends laugh

i didn't say anything, my head hurts so much i even felt dizzy

"can you please leave her alone??"i saw a guy came to me

"s-soobin.."i look at him

"w-who are you?!"Lina says

"it's none of your business, from now on leave her alone or i'll teach you a lesson?"he said in his coldly

"y-yes s-sir.."they said and then they left

"get up.."he smiles as he help me standing up

i thanked him and then we go back to his car

"you still wanna eat ice cream?"he ask

"yes p-please.. also tomorrow night my school is having a party and everyone can came soo you wanna join me?"

"s-sure..."he smiles

we go to a ice cream shop to eat some ice cream

"you eat 5 scoops of ice cream?"i shock

"yea, i really like ice cream so i often eat it"he chuckled

so he likes ice cream? man we have the same taste

"t-that's great"i said

"b-btw thanks for saving me.. i can't imagine if you didn't came"i smile a little

"no problem, u can call me anytime since i'm your secretary"he said

"so i'm your boss?"i laugh

"yes ofc i have to follow you around"he said

"oh ya here"i gave him a something

if y/n press the green button, it'll make a sound to soobin's emergency stuff, so if something happen to y/n it will ring soobin's emergency stuff

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if y/n press the green button, it'll make a sound to soobin's emergency stuff, so if something happen to y/n it will ring soobin's emergency stuff.

(srry for my ugly drawing-)

"if something happens to me i will press the green button and it'll make sound on yours"i handed him the ES

let's just call the emergency stuff= ES

"alright"he smiles and shows the dimples on his cheeks

— time skip —
at night
i just realized that i have homework and it was biology-

should i call soobin for help?

if i didn't get his help i might've not doing the homework

nah let's just call him

i pressed the green button and then 10 minutes later he finally came

"do you need help y/n?"he ask

"c-can you help me with this biology homework.?"i said awkwardly

"a-ah sure"he take a chair and sat beside me on my desk

we do the homework together until 12:00am because they started at 11:00pm


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