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Yes, Sasuke thought, licking his lips. Blowing off steam was always relaxing at the end of the day. He loved calling Hinata up at this time of night, because she was always available.

"Want me to come to your place?"

"Nah," Sasuke said through the phone, turning the wheel toward the club. "I'm closer to the usual place. I'll meet you there."

Sasuke loved the nights when he had Hinata all to himself. Thankfully, she never questioned why Naruto couldn't be there. It made him feel good, like he was all she needed to get off.

Usually, just the sight of her was enough to get him hard; but tonight, Sasuke's mind was other places.

They were in the room, meeting there rather than at the bar. Sasuke wasn't in the mood to flirt. By how quickly their clothes hit the floor, neither was she. Hinata grinded down onto Sasuke's cock, moaning in pitchy waves with each settle of her hips. "Oh," she crooned over and over, but Sasuke's cock wouldn't respond.

The more she moaned, the harder it was for Sasuke to stay hard. Eventually, he slipped out completely, and sighed. "You can quit it."

Hinata huffed, stepping off of Sasuke and turning around. "What's the matter?"

Sasuke refused to meet her eyes. In his head, he just heard his thoughts looping around. Am I into her? He clenched his teeth, and growled, "Just forget it."

Hinata pouted, but didn't get dressed. Instead, she hopped on the bed and kneeled behind Sasuke, her arms draped over his shoulders and resting on his chest. "Come on," she said sweetly. "Is everything all right?"

Sasuke closed his eyes, hanging his head and rubbing at his eyelids. "I'm just... distracted," he conceded.

"It's all right," Hinata hummed, kissing his cheek. Sasuke blushed a little at the tenderness of it. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"Agh," Sasuke grumbled, pushing her away to stand. "It's not your problem."

Hinata giggled, leaning back onto the pillows. "Oh come on, grumpy. We're not just fuckbuddies, you know. You can talk to me occasionally."

Sasuke tugged on his boxers, casting a puzzled look. "We... talk," he tried.

Hinata shook her head. "Dirty talk doesn't count, Uchiha."

"I mean more than just that," he said, annoyed.

The woman on the bed laughed out loud, filling the room as she threw back her head. "You're so cute," she laughed. "Come here, tough guy." She opened her arms, and Sasuke stared at the offer.

Wordlessly, he shuffled forward and sat on the edge of the bed, but made no move to embrace her. Hinata smiled, crawling on her knees until she said right behind him. Carefully, she reached out and wrapped her arms around Sasuke's shoulders, and pressed her cheek into his shoulder blade. Sasuke sighed, closing his eyes. It felt so good to feel her heart beating against his back.

But then, Hinata spoke. Her words were as light as the breath she used to say them. "I'm here. I'll always be here."

Sasuke's eyes opened, his heart running cold. The things Naruto had said came simmering up, filling his head. "You're into Hinata, aren't you?"

Sasuke shoved off the bed, away from Hinata's arms. "We can't do this anymore," he said, voice cold.

Hinata laughed, but her eyes furrowed in confusion. "Sasuke? What's wrong?"

Sasuke scooped up his clothes, putting them on as fast as he could manage. He didn't answer her.

Hinata climbed off the bed, putting on a light robe to cover her shoulders. "What are you talking about? Did I do something?"

Sasuke pulled on his coat, and started walking toward the door.

"Wait!" Hinata lunged at Sasuke's arm, and whipped him back to face her. His eyes widened when he saw just how pitiful hers looked, staring up at him through strands of tousled, midnight blue hair. She reached up for Sasuke's face to cup his cheek. "Don't..."

For a fleeting fraction of a moment, Sasuke felt his heart rise to meet hers. Then the stony resolve returned.


Sasuke shoved Hinata away, spitting through his teeth, "Get off of me. I don't want to see you again."

Hinata clutched at her chest, her mouth hanging open in disbelief. "So that's it, then?"

Sasuke didn't turn. He didn't want to see her face, or tears. "Fuck Naruto if you're lonely," he spat, and slammed the door shut.

It was a blur from the hotel room to the car, but Sasuke ran the whole way. When he sat in his car, he shut the door with a harsh crack, and then buried his face in his hand.

"Fuck!" He screamed to no one, punching the armrest. He tossed his head back into the seat, banging it against the headrest. His eyes closed. Sasuke knew Hinata would tell Naruto, and Naruto would scold him for being such an asshole.

Sasuke shook his head, and rested it on the steering wheel. "Fuck," he said softer this time. The words bubbled in his throat, but he didn't say them out loud.

I'm into her.

To Love a Sinner || SasuHina COMPLETED 🌸❤️Where stories live. Discover now