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        Sasuke didn't know what he was going to do. Shit, it hadn't really hit him that he had slept with his boss' girlfriend until he woke up tangled in Hinata's arms. The morning was tender enough, but ultimately, Hinata had to go back to Orochimaru. He had let her leave quietly, and dressed for work. He knew he had a meeting with Orochimaru soon anyway.
He knew he wasn't going to tell Orochimaru about them. Hinata had made it clear she was ready to break things off. Then Sasuke and her could see each other, secretly still, but at least she wouldn't be cheating.

Ready to see her at Orochimaru's office, Sasuke jogged up the main staircase, the large windows of the modern building casting everything in grey. The chilly day outside was overcast, and the inside of the large atrium was no different. As Sasuke reached the first landing, his shoes clicking on the marble, Hinata appeared at the top of the staircase. Sasuke's face lit up, and he called out to her. "Hey, Hinata. Leaving already?"
Hinata glanced up to meet Sasuke's eyes, but quickly hid behind her hair. She started jogging down the steps and past him. Sasuke could see in her eyes something was off.

"Hey," he called again. "What's the rush?" He caught hold of her hand and started threading his fingers into hers.
To his surprise, she yanked her hand away. "Get away from me."
Sasuke shook his head. "What the hell are you talking about?" He stood dumbfounded as she paused to look back at him.
"I don't want to see you anymore," she said plainly, her voice trembling slightly.
It took a moment of staring at her, before Saduke chuffed his teeth angrily. "You didn't break it off did you?" He chuckled, chagrinned, "So what about all that bullshit you fed me last night? About a life with me? Were you lying just so you could fuck me one last time?"

Hinata shook her head, tears forming beneath her lids. "Sasuke, get out of here."
"No," he snapped. Grasping at her wrist, Sasuke pulled her back to his side. "I'm not giving up on this. You're all I've ever wanted, Hinata. Don't make me regret telling you how I feel."

Hinata closed her eyes tight, her lips trembling sadly. "Sasuke," she whispered, hair falling over her eyes. "We can't."
Sasuke's heart hardened in his chest, dropping to his stomach in a swirl of nausea. How could she do this to him? The months of longing, the emptiness he felt when she was gone, the fear of seeing her with Orochimaru, and then ultimately, their night together where he made promises he intended to keep, when he thought they were finally honest; after all this, she was turning him away? Sasuke grit his teeth, yanking her into his hold, his fingers gripping her shoulders harder than he should have.

"Why?" Sasuke seethed angrily. "Give me one fucking reason you won't be with me!"
"Because he'll kill you!" Hinata shrieked, her eyes wild as she met Sasuke's anger with her own hysteria. She punched Sasuke's chest with both fists, sobbing, "They'll fucking kill you! If Orochimaru ever finds out what we did, he'll shoot you on the spot!" Crying, she fell forward into Sasuke's chest. "And," she sniffled, burying herself in his shirt, "and... and I love you too much to watch that happen..."

Sasuke went quiet. His fists loosened, just as his hold on the crying woman in his arms locked into place. His strong, bold girl who he never knew could be afraid of anything, was utterly terrified; and it wasn't even for herself, but for him.
He felt like an idiot; a selfish, foolish person who couldn't see the position he was putting Hinata in. Swallowing bile along with a sliver of his pride, Sasuke rested his lips on top of Hinata's hair. "I'm sorry," he breathed softly.

        Hinata nodded. "Me too." She pulled away from him and tucked a strand of vivid hair behind her ear. "Sasuke, I've loved you more than I thought I could for longer than you can imagine- but it's the wrong time. If Orochimaru finds out about us, there's no way he'd let you go. We have to wait until he loses interest in me. I mean, it'll happen eventually, I'm..."
Just then, Sasuke looked at her up and down as she continued talking. Her knees trembled beneath her skirt, a dark stain that hadn't been there before marking the fabric. As she tucked her strands back, Sasuke could see the spotted bruises in crescents along her neck and collarbone, from where teeth had marred her flesh. They were fresh.

His chest tightened, cheeks burning hot in anger. "I'll fucking kill him."
"No!" Hinata whipped around as Sasuke stormed past her. She was dragged along beside him as he reached the final set of steps. "He's gonna kill you!"
"Then so be it," Sasuke said, flinging Hinata off of him. "At least you'll be rid of him."
        But Sasuke was already halfway there.
        Orochimaru's office door slammed behind Sasuke. "I want Hinata."
        Orochimaru's eyes lit up, almost amused as he looked away from his paperwork. "Is that so? What makes you think she'd want you?"

        "You can always ask her yourself if you don't believe me," he shot, fists clenching. "But something tells me you already know."
Orochimaru chuckled, towering his fingers against his lips. "Ah, so you're the one she snuck off to see. I knew you were acting odd when you met last night. Still, this comes as a curious surprise. How did you two meet? Could it be the greasy club where I picked her off the streets? That seems like your type of gutter trash."
Sasuke stepped forward, glaring at his boss with a strange disobedience. "Cut the shit, Orochimaru. I've known her longer and better than you ever will. Now, either you let her go, or I'm taking her and running."
Orochimaru laughed loudly, falling back in his seat. "My goodness! Uchiha, this is a new side of you I have never seen before. You must really be infatuated with this girl. Too bad she's mine."

        "I love her," Sasuke said firmly. "You don't."
        "I don't need to love her," Orochimaru said, standing and leaning over his desk menacingly. "I just need to fuck her whenever I please, and sleep well knowing that no one else gets that luxury."
Sasuke rested a single fist on the wood, challenging Orochimaru. "I want her. Give it up, or else."
Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, but smirked without anger. "Your threat is ineffective to me, Sasuke. There's nowhere you could go that I wouldn't find you and kill you both. Her first, of course, just so you can watch." Orochimaru watched Sasuke tense with rage, but only chuckled. "However, you happen to be in a perfect situation to strike a deal with me on other terms."
Sasuke stepped away from the desk, his stomach suddenly uneasy. "What might that be?"
Orochimaru grinned, slow and wide. "Gaara of the Sand is becoming quite the nuisance to me. I want him dead, and I need someone to take care of it. Of course, hiring someone is expensive, and I need it done tonight." Orochimaru stared Sasuke down, sitting back in his seat. "I want you to kill him."

        Sasuke shook his head. "I'm not a hitman."
"And I'm not the kind to be bartered with." Orochimaru rested his palms on the wood, stretching his fingers so that Sasuke could see each thick, shimmering ring. "Now, either take my deal, or I'll make you watch the next time I rape your woman. Didn't you love the marks on her neck I left for you?"
Sasuke felt the bile rise in his throat along with the fury he felt imagining Hinata being violated by the devil sitting easily across the table. He swallowed it all down, and nodded. "Fine. Give me the details."
"I'll have Kiba brief you on the logistics, but for now, know the two most important things," Orochimaru said coolly, "don't leave any witnesses, and don't even think about bolting. If you think you can run away from this, you're horribly mistaken."
Sasuke nodded tightly. He turned away from Orochimaru, ready to walk out the door.
"Oh, and one more thing," Orochimaru called.
Sasuke glanced over his shoulder. "Yeah?"
Snickering, Orochimaru crooned, "I do hope you fail. I just love the way she screams."
Sasuke's teeth ground onto each other, and with his jaw locked tight, he strode out of the office.

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