17 // sh

335 11 4

Second to last chapter! NSFW and angsty fluff to follow...


The plan was set. The women were going to be taken to a secure location, along with Charlie. Sasuke watched from the doorway as the Sand family told their son the news. The young boy flitted around the living room, bouncing from his father to the two women on the couch. "We're going on vacation tomorrow!"
Misa clapped her hands. "Of course, darling! You're going to have a very fun time with mommy and Aunt Hinata."
"Yay!" He screamed, grabbing onto Hinata's knees. "Are you going to be my new nanny?"
Hinata couldn't suppress her smile. "Ah, well, I suppose so-"
Charlie's eyes widened. "Oh, I've never had a nanny with zombie eyes!"
Hinata covered her mouth to hide the gasp, and Misa laughed sweetly. Gaara chuckled from across the room, and even Sasuke seemed to quirk his lips.
Gaara uncrossed his legs, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees. "Now Charles, it is almost bedtime, and you have packing to do."
"Yes, daddy," Charlie said obediently.
Misa stood, taking her child's hand. "Come now, darling. We will pack your things. Gaara, would you call Stephanie to turn down Charlie's bed?"
"Of course, love," Gaara replied, grabbing the little boy in a fierce hug before standing to offer his wife a kiss on the cheek. They said good night, and Misa disappeared with their son.
The room was eerily silent after the warmth of childhood innocence left, and the gravity of their true situation settled. Gaara cleared his throat, walking toward the door. "If you'll excuse me, I am going to spend this evening with my wife. Please, try to rest tonight. The women leave in the morning."
The two said good night to their host, and they were alone. Neither one was prepared for the silence that stretched between them. Sasuke was sure he could feel Hinata's nerves rolling in her stomach just from watching the sour expression on her face.

Sighing, Sasuke pushed himself away from the door and walked slowly to where Hinata sat on the couch. He brushed her shoulder lightly, saying, "We should get to bed."
Hinata nodded, and rose to stand in Sasuke's arms. He hugged her close to him, swaying her slightly as she sighed. "I'm so scared," she breathed.
Sasuke swallowed the lump in his throat. "Me too," he said, too honestly.
Hinata looked up, eyes glassy. "What will you do when I'm gone?"
"Kiba, Gaara and Kakashi are going to help me hunt down Orochimaru," Sasuke said, thinking back to the conversations the group had had that day. "With you out of the country, Orochimaru has no leverage on anything I love. Kakashi promised me he would make Orochimaru pay for what he did. I intend to hold him to his word."
"But Sasuke... what if," Hinata started, her voice cracking. "What if he finds us?"
Sasuke cradled Hinata's face, kissing her softly. He spoke just above her lips, saying, "Hey, don't worry. Even I don't know where you're going. Gaara has a perfectly safe place for you, there's no way he can find you. Besides, Gaara has paid bodyguards for his family. You'll be with them, babe. They promised me."
Hinata shook her head, resting it on Sasuke's chest. "I just have a bad feeling about this."
Sasuke tucked her beneath his chin. He didn't want to admit that he had the same feeling, sitting shakily in his gut.
Then Hinata began to cry.
"Hey, hey," Sasuke hushed, brushing her bright hair from her face. "Don't cry. You'll be safe, I promise."

"It's not that," she sniffled. "I- I can't stand the thought that he was the last person to touch me," Hinata cried softly, rubbing Sasuke's chest and fisting his shirt. "He hurt me so much... he killed Naruto... he hurt you. Now Naruto's gone, and he's forcing me across the world just to get away, so far from you..." Hinata brushed her lips over Sasuke's throat, running her hands under his shirt. "Everything feels so wrong, I... I need you to make me feel right again..."
Tears welling in his eyes, Sasuke grabbed Hinata's face and kissed her, hard. She moaned desperately into his mouth, fisting his shirt and pulling him to her. Yanking back on his collar, Hinata fell back onto the couch, Sasuke toppling onto her. He cried out helplessly when she began to palm him through his jeans. Pulling back quickly, Sasuke said, "Wait."
Hinata nipped on his chin, not stopping. "Please, Sasuke..."
"Not here," he said, pulling on her hand. "Bedroom."
Hinata followed after him, letting him pull her up the grand stairs and down the winding halls until they found their allotted bedroom. When the door was behind them, Hinata
latched onto Sasuke's shoulders and kissed him fiercely. Sasuke kicked the door shut behind him, tightening Hinata in his arms as she jumped up, wrapping her legs around his waist. Sasuke let Hinata's hands roam; shoving his jacket away and letting it fall to the floor, yanking on his shirt, silently asking him for permission. Sasuke lifted his arms and he let her pull it off.
Sasuke was quick to return the favor. He peeled the borrowed sweater off Hinata's body, careful so as not to damage Misa's no-doubt-expensive clothing. He kissed her neck, running his fingers over the clasp of her bra, twisting until the pieces fell away and hit the floor. When there was nothing between their two chests, Sasuke fell onto the bed, pressing Hinata down into the mattress beneath him. She moaned sweetly as his mouth ravaged her, sucking on and biting into her breasts. He fisted them in his hands, taking turns between each supple mound, dragging his tongue in ways that Hinata adored. His mouth continued its journey, kissing down her abdomen to the leggings hugging her thighs. Sasuke was less gentle with this article; he pulled down her tights forcefully, dragging her panties along with them, and tossing the clothing behind him. He dove forward, not bothering to tease her, and ate Hinata's core with a hunger that she was unaccustomed to.
Hinata nearly screamed when Sasuke's tongue and teeth hit her clit. She pressed the back of her hand to her mouth, trying not to shout. Sasuke whimpered at her pitiful sounds, his own arousal painful against the inside of his jeans. But God, she tasted so good...
"Sasuke," Hinata cried, tugging on his hair. "P-please... kiss me..."
Sasuke wiped his mouth, and pressed his lips to Hinata's. He ground his hardness down onto her bare core, making her moan at the rough texture of his jeans. "Hinata," Sasuke moaned. "Are you ready?"
Hinata nodded quickly, desperately dragging her fingertips along his spine. "Mhm..."

Sasuke sat back, unzipping his jeans. He shoved them down, kicking out of them as he covered Hinata with his body. It took only a moment before he was aligned and pushing inside of her, both of them gasping from the sensation. It hadn't been two days since he had been inside Hinata, and yet, Sasuke collapsed weakly, feeling as if it had been years since he felt her tight embrace. Sasuke rested his elbows on either side of Hinata's head, grinding his hips down into her in a deliberate rhythm. Hinta grabbed onto Sasuke's shoulders, pulling herself close, and pressing soft, breathy kisses to his neck.

Sasuke didn't realize his tears hadn't stopped. He didn't cry, but when he pressed his lips to Hinata's, the moisture ran down his cheeks and onto hers. Her eyes were also filled, the emotions welling inside her and bursting. The pain of the heartbreak she would feel in the morning sat in the back of her chest, but it was thinly veiled by the intense pleasure and love that swelled with each thrust of Sasuke's hips.

"Hinata," Sasuke breathed between hot, open kisses. "I love you."

"I know," Hinata agreed, turning her neck to the side for Sasuke's teeth.
He nipped onto her throat, making her cry out. Reeling back onto his knees, Sasuke grabbed Hinata's thighs and shoved them forward to the mattress. His pace quickened, and he pistoned into Hinata's core with a new abandon. He would make Hinata cum; but more than that, he would fill her with so much delight, that all the worry and fear she had about tomorrow would disappear completely, even if just for a moment. Sasuke reached between her thighs, rubbing her clit with his thumb. "Come on, baby," he said, voice straining. "Cum for me."

Hinata thrashed on the bed, arching her back away from the blankets. "Sasuke, d-don't say th-that..."

"Why?" Sasuke snickered, leaning over her face. His hips moved slower now, but deeper as they swerved in and out of her core. "You're not going to? We both know that's not true."

Hinata squealed, tossing her head back and reaching for Sasuke's chest. "A-ah, Sa-Sasuke..."

"Come on, babygirl," Sasuke crooned, kissing her neck. His lips found the shell of her ear, and he grinned wickedly. "Be my good girl."

"Sasuke!" Hinata shrieked, her body stiffening as Sasuke continued to move. He let her whine and squirm beneath him, her hips shaking as she rode out her high. Sasuke pushed himself inside of her, stilling as he hit her deepest corner, gritting his teeth in an effort not to cum. He tried to hold back, feeling the repetitive pulsing inside of her, squeezing him, begging him to fill her.

"Hi-Hinata," Sasuke groaned. He was closer than he thought he would be.

Then, Hinata's body relaxed, and Sasuke crashed on top of her, still hard and ready inside her core. A small voice brought him back to the present. "Sasuke," she whispered, barely a breath.

Panting, Sasuke sat up on his hands, and watched her face as it smiled sweetly.

"Sasuke," she said again. "Kiss me."

Something in the lakes of her eyes made Sasuke slow. He drifted downward, and kissed her with all the love and adoration he could muster. She lifted her hips below him, and without breaking the kiss, Sasuke resumed a slow thrust. They panted together, with only the sound of their needy breaths and trembling heartbeats to fill the room. Suddenly, Sasuke came deep inside of her, tossing back his head with wide eyes. "B-baby! Ah!"

Hinata closed her eyes, smiling contently as Sasuke's warmth filled her insides. She reached for his neck, and tugged him into a kiss. They didn't stop kissing until Sasuke was completely spent, and only separated once Hinata sighed sleepily.

They didn't clean themselves before curling under the covers. Their sweaty, sticky bodies furled around each other, a tangle of messy limbs. Both of them smiled as they fell asleep, and as Sasuke had hoped, their minds only drifted to the sated feeling in their bellies, and the love they had for each other in their hearts.


        The sun was just about to rise, but the darkness of the night still seemed as if it would go on forever. Hinata pulled the sweater Misa had given her on over her head. She looked back to Sasuke, loading his gun and lifting up his leather jacket to tuck it into the back of his jeans. Sasuke met her eyes. "Ready," he asked.
"No," she replied, taking his hand and walking out the door.

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