16 // kth

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        Sasuke's head rested against the toilet lid, groaning as he flushed down another bout of toxic acid. His throat was on fire, and he stood dizzily to get a drink of water from the sink. He splashed water on his face, neck, and chest, not bothering to wipe it away with a towel as it trailed down his abdomen to soak into his boxers.

As he put down the glass, he saw Hinata standing in the doorway. Sasuke grunted, "Sorry to wake you."
"I haven't been asleep," she said, eyes puffy and red.
Sasuke dipped his head, hanging it over the sink as he leaned on the marble. He didn't say anything.
Hinata walked to where he stood, wrapping her hands around his stomach. She was also silent as she rested her cheek on his shoulder. Sasuke trembled as he felt her warmth, the life in her fingers. The life that his best friend should have still had. Suddenly dizzy, Sasuke pushed away from her arms and grabbed the doorframe to steady himself. He was trying to get to the bed, but his vision failed him. Closing his eyes, Sasuke tried to rub the vertigo from his head, but the backs of his eyelids seemed to pulsate with his aching brain. Hinata held his shoulders, wordlessly taking his weight and guiding him to the mattress. When she had him tucked under the blankets, she settled in beside him and rested her head on his chest.
Sasuke pulled her tighter. Feeling her chest rising and falling, brushing against his ribcage, made him more at ease than he had expected. His eyelids fluttered closed in an attempt to rest, but when darkness clouded his vision, it was filled with images of Naruto. Sasuke opened his eyes, staring at the ornate ceiling instead.
"It's a beautiful house," Hinata whispered, staring at the decorations as well. "It's a shame we can't enjoy it."
Sasuke's throat caught on a small sob, and he rolled over to pull Hinata into his chest. He held her painfully close, drowning his small cries in her neck. Hinata wrapped her arms around him, tears filling her eyes. "Sasuke," she whimpered. "What do we do?"
A knock on the door came as the answer. Hinata wiped her eyes, and Sasuke covered his face with the blankets. Sitting up, Hinat said, "Come in."
Gaara's wife entered the room, holding two robes. "Good morning," Misa said, a small smile on her lips. "Sasuke, there are some people here who would like to speak with you. Hinata, there is breakfast in my study for you, if you're hungry. I would love to sit with you and relax while we eat." She smiled, and Hinata nodded.

Sasuke sat up, wiping at his sleepless face. He watched as Misa held out a robe for both of them. She didn't ask how well they had slept, or if they were comfortable. Sasuke was glad.

"Who is here," Sasuke asked, rubbing Hinata's hand.

"My colleagues," said a deeper voice. Gaara entered after his wife, and rested a hand on her shoulder. "If Hinata would be so kind as to join my wife for breakfast, perhaps we could talk, Sasuke."

Hinata patted Sasuke's cheek, and unfurled herself from the blankets. "I am a little hungry," she admitted, walking to Misa and graciously taking a robe. She threw it around her shoulders, and glanced back at Sasuke. "I'll see you soon."

Misa handed the second robe to Gaara, who passed it to Sasuke, who was still in bed. The women left, and Gaara and Sasuke stared at each other in silence. Finally, Sasuke slipped the robe over his arms, and secured the tie as he got out of bed. "So," he said, voice scratchy. "Who's here?"
Kiba appeared in the doorway. "Someone you won't be happy to see," he said, leaning on the frame.
Sasuke grit his teeth, stepping forward with an angry stride. Gaara caught his chest, holding him back. "I understand your frustration, but let Kiba explain."
Kiba stepped inside, hands up in a gesture of surrender. "I don't work for Orochimaru, Sasuke. I never have."
Sasuke's eyes furrowed. "But I trained you. We worked together."
"I know," Kiba said. "But I became the new kid so I could get close to Orochimaru's operation. I work for Gaara."
"What," Sasuke said, taking a step back.
"Technically, we work for Kakashi," Gaara explained. "Kiba is an excellent spy. He's young enough to appear naive, so as to easily trick other bosses into letting him into lower level work."
"But I know what I'm doing," Kiba said. "When I do a good job, I impress easily, and work my way up through the ranks. It wasn't long before Orochimaru trusted me enough to tell me things I needed to hear." Kiba looked to the floor sadly. "Even who he was going to kill..."

"You bastard," Sasuke said, ready to lunge. "You knew he was coming after them-"

"And as soon as I found out, I rushed over to warn them!" Kiba said, boring holes into Sasuke's eyes. "Believe me, I tried to save them, Sasuke. I worked as fast as I could- I'm sorry I wasn't fast enough..."

Sasuke's jaw tightened, but his stance relaxed. He said nothing, just folded his arms and stared at the floor.

"The point is," Kiba continued, "Orochimaru told me a lot of things. But, I couldn't get everything."
Gaara faced Sasuke head on. "That's where we need you," he said, pointing to Sasuke. "You worked for Orochimaru for years. You know his clients, his routes, his connections. You know who he's killed, and what for. We need that information, Sasuke."
Sasuke chewed on his tongue, watching both of the men in the room warily. "And in return?"
"The previous deal still stands," Gaara said. "I will protect Hinata with everything I have. She will go with my wife and child to a safe house out of country that only I know the location of. No one will find her."
Sasuke thought carefully. He thought about Naruto, dead on his apartment floor. And then, rage filled his heart. "Sorry, Gaara," he growled, "but the deal just went up. I want Orochimaru to pay."
Then, a fourth figure filled the room. His presence was heavy, his eyes shimmering with promises that he intended to keep. Smirking, Hatake Kalashi assured, "I can help with that."


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