15 // sh

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A/N: Just a quick update: I just want to say thank you for the few of you that have been liking and following this story, it means a lot that some people out there are still looking forward to when I post. This story is going to be completed soon, it has 18 chapters total and this is the darkest story I've written, so after this one, I'm feeling something a little more light, but we will see what inspiration comes my way. Maybe sci fi? Who knows!

Anyway, love y'all, and here is Chapter 15!

Dedicated to Keileaf7 ❤️

Sasuke couldn't focus. He barely saw them get into a vehicle, didn't feel it when they hit bumps or turns. He wasn't even sure how long they drove. He could feel Hinata head in his lap as she cried softly, slipping into an exhausted nap, but his chest was empty.

Kiba had to call to him several times before Sasuke responded. "Sasuke," Kiba said. "We're here."
Sasuke looked out the window for the first time, and the manor stretched out toward the sky, illuminated against the night. He sighed. "You're working for Gaara?"
Kiba didn't say a word. He slipped out the driver's seat, and walked around to Hinata's door. He opened it for her, gently nudged her knee to wake her. "Come on, miss. You need to rest."

Hinata shuddered, and shot up in her seat. Sasuje rested a hand on her shoulder, but Kiba was the one to calm her. "It's all right! I'm just taking you inside."
Sniffling, Hinata slipped out of the seat and let Kiba support her as they walked toward the front steps. Sasuke slammed the car door behind him, shuffling awkwardly behind the other two. When they reached the door, it swung open, and Gaara was already rushing out to them.
"Kiba called me," he explained to Sasuke, who wasn't listening. "I am so sorry. Please, come inside. We can shelter you here."
They were hurried inside, and Gaara shut the door behind them. Just then, a woman came jogging down the steps from the upstairs. Her long, silky hair bounced from her shoulders, clinging to the white sweater that hugged her frame. "Gaara? What is happening?"
Gaara swept forward, gathering the woman's hands in his. "Orochimaru has happened. Darling, I'm so sorry, but these people need help. They've been through a night."

Sasuke stepped to Hinata's side, and Kiba handed her off to Sasuke's arms. He held her lightly, and the woman smiled. "Then we shall welcome them as guests." Stepping toward Sasuke, she said outstretched her hand. "I am Misa. I'll help in any way I can."
Sasuke studied her carefully. Her warm eyes, her gentle smile on pouty lips, and the aura she emitted of caring and tenderness. Sasuke knew he could trust her. "Yeah," he said, his voice bleary. "This is Hinata. She's exhausted. Take care of her?"
Misa nodded, and turned to Hinata with a smile. "I know just the thing. There are guest quarters upstairs. I will have the housekeeper, Ami, prepare you both a room. I personally will fetch you some clean clothes and a bath."
Hinata tried smiling, but Sasuke could see just how pained her features were. He kissed her temple lightly, encouraging her to go on. Finally, Hinata relented, and Misa wrapped an arm around her. She guided her off, leaving Sasuke and Kiba with Gaara.

        Gaara sighed, shaking his head. "I was not expecting this. Please, join me in my study."
Kiba shook his head. "I need to get out of here. Kakashi will be wanting this report in person."

"Very well," Gaara conceded.
Kiba left through the main door, and Sasuke followed Gaara, who was already heading up the stairs. When they reached the familiar study, Sasuke sunk into an armchair.

Gaara rested his hands on his desk, hanging his head. "I do not know how Orochimaru found out about our bargain," he said, "or whether he knew about it at all. Is there anything that would have constituted an attack like this?"
"Not that I can think of," Sasuke croaked, staring at his lap. "He could have been planning this from the moment I..." Sasuke thought back to how stupid he had been; rushing into Orochimaru office, confronting him about Hinata, without thinking of the repercussions of disrespect. He squeezed his eyes shut, mind flicking back and forth between the blood on Hinata's skirt and the blood pouring from Naruto's chest. "Orochimaru doesn't need a reason to be cruel."

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