14 // sh

311 13 9

Mature chapter... graphic content for violence and death...
Sasuke walked back up to his apartment, huffing nervously with each step. He prayed that Orochimaru wouldn't be waiting for his call, and that he would be able to buy enough time to pack up Naruto and Hinata and get them to the Hidden Sand estate before the night was done.
As he crested the stairs, he dug in his pocket for a key- only to see the door already open. Sasuke froze, his blood cold. The door was splintered from the lock, cracked open slightly from the frame. Sasuke rushed forward, shoving the door open. "Naruto! Hinata!" He cried into the apartment, only to stop at the condition of the place.
It was trashed. Lamps lay on their sides, casting odd shadows onto the floor and beneath the furniture from their still burning bulbs. Frames of photos cracked on the floor, bits of shattered glass digging in the carpet. The TV lay flat on its face, no doubt destroyed. The smell of gunpowder filled the air, and to his dismay, the apartment was empty.
Sasuke breathed shakily, beginning to panic. "Naruto? Hinata?" He cried out again, his voice cracking. "Where are you?"

In a moment of stillness, Sasuke heard a tiny whimper from the back of the apartment.
Sasuke jogged down the hall, throwing open doors as he went. Finally, at his bedroom, he found something. "Hina!" Sasuke shoved past the door, falling to his knees to cradle the trembling woman in his arms. "I'm here Hinata, don't worry. Everything is okay now." He held her face, trying to turn her toward him. "Where is Naruto?"
Hinata didn't answer, just whimpered sadly. Her eyes stayed fixed to the other side of the room, unmoving and wide in terror. Sasuke's eyes shifted, following her gaze.
And everything else seemed to go black. Sasuke stared at the mass on the floor, wondering why Naruto looked so strange. Why wasn't he moving? Why wasn't he talking? Sasuke crawled to his best friend, staring into his blank eyes.
Naruto laid on his back, his head lolled to the side, eyes open and staring at Hinata. Why wouldn't he look at him? Sasuke called for him. "Naruto?"

He was his bestfriend, his brother. After their both families were killed on that night, they stayed like real brothers. But now, Naruto was lying on the ground, as if he was dead.
Sasuke reached his brother's side, and put his hand on his brother's chest. Why was it wet? He looked down at his hand, covered in something red, and then to Naruto's chest, where a large hole had grown.
Sasuke could feel the groan in his chest rising. A growl, a primitive howl meeting his ears. It took him a moment to realize it was coming from his mouth.
"He s-saved me..." Sasuke heard Hinata say. Her words were choppy and distant. "...a squad sent... found out about... came for me but... saved me... Naruto... shot him instead... left without a word... sorry Sasuke, I am so..."
Sasuke continued to scream, grabbing and slapping his brother's face. "Come on! Wake up, Naruto! Fuck! Naruto! Don't! Naruto!" Sasuke grabbed at his brother's collar, trying to get him to look at him, to tell him this was another joke, an awful joke. Naruto did not move.

        "Sasuke!" Someone called. The voice was not Hinata's. "Oh Jesus..."
Sasuke turned around, dizzy, and tried focusing on the person in the doorway. He could make out the outline of a small figure, someone he knew.
Kiba shook his head. "I'm so sorry, Sasuke. I ran here as fast as I could when Orochimaru told me..."
"Orochimaru," Sasuke seethed, cradling his bloody hands on his knees. Naruto's blood. His brother's blood. Then, Sasuke lunged toward Kiba, jumping off the floor and grabbing his neck faster than anyone could register. "You!"
Kiba choked around Sasuke's hold as he slammed him against the wall. "Ack! I... came... to... help..."
"Well look what a fucking help you were! You knew about this? You knew Orochimaru was trying to kill us!"
"Sasuke! Stop!" Hinata's hands wrapped around Sasuke's, and pried him away.
Kiba fell to his feet, rubbing his neck. "I'm sorry, I don't have time to explain. All I can say is that I had nothing to do with this, and I'm here to take you someplace safe."
"Sasuke," Hinata said, softly. "We have to go."
Sasuke still wasn't there. He kept staring back at his brother. "I can't leave him."
"We have to go, now," Kiba said. "We don't have time."
"No!" Sasuke shrieked, falling back on his hands and knees at Naruto's side. "He never would have left me! He wouldn't have! He'd never leave me!" Through angry tears, Sasuke could see the foggy shape of his brother's lifeless face. Why did he leave me?

           "Sasuke, please," Hinata sobbed, grabbing loosely at Sasuke's shoulders. "We can't..."
"Naruto! NO!" Sasuke fought against her.
Kiba grabbed at Sasuke's arms, surprisingly strong as he yanked him back. "Do you want to get us all killed?" Kiba yelled into Sasuke's face. "Orochimaru isn't the kind to be forgiving, Sasuke. He will come back for Hinata, and for you. Is that what you want? You want her dead too?" Kiba pointed at Hinata, cowering in the doorway.
Sasuke was silent. Fighting back all of his tears, he growled angrily and stood on his feet. He grabbed onto Hinata's arm as he walked past, and she didn't protest when he dragged her along with him to the door. Kiba pushed past them, leading the way.
Back in Sasuke's bedroom, Naruto's blood stopped flowing, his heart stopped as the rest of his blood stained the floor. He stared into the void of the doorway, his unwatching eyes following Sasuke,  his brother as he left. 


I'm so sorry. Ive fought with my editor and said Naruto better be dead on this story since this is suppose to be a matured content.

🙇🙇 sorry

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