The Letter

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your pov:

Me and Hermione were braiding each others hair like always when Dad called, "Girls come down for lunch!" Hermione looked me dead in the eyes and said, "Whoevers there last has to do the dishes, it'll be you (y/n)!" as she raced away. I yelled, "Not today, sis!" Insted of using the stairs I slid down the railing. As my butt hit the chair at the table she said, "No fair, cheater!!" "When there aren't rules how can I cheat?" I said smirking. "Okay girls, settle down and eat your food." our mom said. "Nice race girls! But look at these sandwiches your mum made us!" Dad said. "Oh shush up Wendell." Mom said from the kitchen. She always loved it when Dad complemented her. Her cheeks always became flushed afterwards. Mom made us our favorite, turkey sandwiches with crisps. Me and Hermione basically inhaled them though. Simultaneously we said, "Thanks Mom!" and ran upstairs.

That night we talked about one of our favorite subjects, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. "I read that they have a gorgeous dining hall with floating candles!" I said in excitement. "I heard that Harry Potter is coming to Hogwarts." Hermione said smiling. My jaw dropped, "HARRY BLOODY POTTER?!?!" "(y/n) keep it down! Our parents are gonna think we need to have 'the talk' if you keep saying his name like that!" Hermione said firmly. Having muggle parents was always a struggle. I mean we loved them with all of our hearts, but they barely understood what me and my twin talked about. We could talk about potions and they would be as lost as a dog on the high way. So of course they didn't know who Harry Potter was. "Oh yeah, sorry." I said. "He is the boy who lived, right." Mom said poking her head in our room. "Yes Mom, the one who survived.....him" I said as shivers ran down my back. Even saying something close to his name made me sick to my stomach. "Well I was poppin' in to say lights out" Mom said. "But Mo-" Hermione groaned but got cut off. "No buts. You and (y/n) need sleep. Goodnight. Love you girls" she said lovingly. "Goodnight. Love you too." Me and Hermione said together. We both laid down and fell asleep.

The next morning, me and Hermione were woke up by Mom screaming. "OMG WENDELL THERE HERE!! THERE HERE!!" Mom yelled. We both looked at each other and ran downstairs to see what the fuss was about. She looked at us and handed us each a letter with THE Hogwarts seal on it. "Mione, these are our invitations to Hogwarts!" I said beaming. "We did it (y/n). WE DID IT!" Hermione said. We hugged out of joy then Mom said "Get ready girls. We are going to get your school supplies!"

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