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Hey lovelies! I hope your enjoying the story and if you like it plz vote. If you have suggestions go for it! Read on!

"Its either really valuable or really dangerous." Ron said. "Or both." said Harry. "Well what are we going to do about it?" Draco chimed in. "I don't know babe- I mean Drac." I said now as read as Ron's hair. Draco looked at me like he didn't care either.

Draco's pov:

Did (y/n) just call me babe? This is amazing! I knew there was something between us! I love her so much all I need to do is ask her to be mine. But I need to let her know. So after she said that, I grabbed her hand and interlaced my fingers. She looked at me and started smiling from ear to ear. This feeling. I never want to let go.

Your pov:

It was Halloween! We went to breakfast together as always but after was even better. We all walked to Flitwick's class talking and giggling. Even Harry and Draco were talking together. "So, (y/n)," Hermione whispered, "Have you and Draco started snogging yet?" I punched her in the shoulder and said, "Hermione, I'm literally going to kill you!" "Love you too, sis." she said giggling away.
I hugged her of course.
Flitwick started, "Swish and Flick!" The noise of kids practicing their hand movements and saying "Wingardium Leviosa" filled the room. I looked over to Ron and Hermione and he was swinging his wand everywhere. "Stop, stop, stop you're going to take someone's eye out. Beside its levi-o-sa not levio-sa." Hermione said. Shes always been like that. Constantly reading books and practicing. That's my Hermione. I look next to me to see Draco struggling. "Hey, I can help." I said. I put my hand over his on his wand as he started to blush. "Just like that, say it with me." I directed. "Wingardium Leviosa" we said together as we watched the feather float into the air. "Well done you two, well done!" Flitwick said in excitement. Draco turned to me and hugged me super tight. If all it takes is knowing a few spells, I'll be reading all night.
When we left class, Ron began talking about Hermione, "She's a nightmare honestly. No wonder she doesn'thave any friends." Me and Hermione were walking right behind them when he said that. Hermione began to run off as I yelled, "Mione!" I was furious with Ron. "Look what you did you arse hole! Shes damn sad because you are mad a girl can do something better than you!" I screamed in his face. He scratched his head and went to speak, "I'm sor-" I didn't pay attention and started running away to catch up to Hermione.

I found Hermione crying in the girls bathroom. I knocked on the stall she was in, "Mione, I'm so sorry he said that. I'm here. Please talk to me." She opened the door, "(y/n) you know why I learn all of the spells? Do you?" I shook my head no. "I learn all of the spells to prove myself. WE ARE MUGGLE-BORN! Are we even real wizards?" she said sobbing. I hugged her and said, "We are. We know more than some 5th years, Mione. You are amazing and don't need to be so hard on yourself." I said comforting her. She looked up at me, "Pinky promise?" "Pinky promise." Then as I went to hug her a big blueish-gray troll walked into the girls bathroom. Me and Hermione ran to stall as Draco, Ron, and Harry appeared at the door. "Hermione, (y/n) get down!" Draco yelled. The troll began swinging at the stalls. Me and Hermione started screaming while the boys began throwing rubble at the troll. Hermione and I ran for the sinks. As we went to hide under the sinks the troll started hitting them one by one. Hermione yelled at Ron, "Swish and Flick!". Ron pulled his wand out and chanted, "Wingardium Leviosa!" The troll's club lifted into the air and fell back down onto his head. Hermione stood up and raced to Ron planting a kiss on his cheek. I of course ran up to Draco doing the same and then I gave Harry one too.
All if the sudden Professor McGonagall walked into the bathroom, "What on Earth were you thinking!?" she said ready to explode. "You could've been killed!" I stood up and said, "They were looking for me."
"Miss Granger!" "I went looking for the troll because I-I thought I could deal with it on my own." I said. "If they hadn't found me, I'd be dead by now." I really tried to save my friends. "Well in that case, 5 point wills be taken from Slytherin for this." McGonagall said. "But since you 3 took on a mountain troll, you each win 5 points for your houses."
We all walked to our common rooms. I hugged everyone goodbye and walked to the couch in my common room. Draco walked up and sat down next to me. He looked me up and down and asked, "(y/n) are you okay?!" "I'm fine, Drac." I said unphased. "I got really scared whenever you weren't at dinner you know." I looked up at him he looked like he was being honest. "I won't let anything ever happen to you, (y/n), ever." He grabbed me tightly. I felt warm and happy. I slowly rest my head on his lap while he run his fingers through my hair. I looked up and made eye contact. "Can you stay here with me Drac?" I asked nervously. "I'd stay here with you for infinity, (y/n)." he said. I smiled as I slowly fell asleep and I heard him whisper, "You're my person. I'd never leave and one day I'll be able to call you mine." Draco loves me?

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