The Sorcerer's Stone

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Me and Draco were hand in hand walking to class as we see the trio rush past us. "What did they get into now," I pulled Draco with me as I ran towards the trio. "What's going on guys?" Draco asked. "We know how to get past Fluffy and we are going tonight," Harry answered. "Wait who's 'Fluffy'?" I asked. "Oh yeah, the 3-headed dog we told you guys about," Ron said. "Well, Mione, I told Mom and Dad I'd protect you so I'm coming with," I said, "and I won't take no for an answer." "I mean I was going to ask you anyway, sis," Hermione said. "Can I come, too. I have to protect (y/n)," Draco asked. "Of course, Draco," Harry said. I smiled at Harry to let him know I appreciate it. "Now, what would 5 young Gryffindors and Slytherins be doing inside on a day like this?" Snape said coming from behind. "You know if you keep standing here like that, people might think you're...up to something," he finished. We all froze. Did he hear our conversation? Oh god I hope not. We all then scrambled to our next class.


At night, Draco and I ran to the Gryffindor common room. We waited outside for the trio to come out. "What took you guys so long?" I wondered. "Just a little run-in with Neville," Hermione said. When they came out we ran to the third floor. "Alohomora!" I said to unlock the door. We walked in but there was already music playing. "Snape must've already been here. We have to move Fluffy's paw," Harry exclaimed. We all grabbed onto the paw when Ron yelled, "Eww!" We looked up as Fluffy looked down on us. "GET IN!" Draco yelled. We all hopped in the trapdoor 1 at a time. I slammed the door shut but fell into a black plant. "Bloody hell! It's eating me!" Ron yelped. "No guys this is
Devil's Snare! You have to relax!" Hermione said. I remembered when we talked about it in Herbology together. I let my body relax as I fell down through the plant. When I got up I saw Hermion and hugged her. "You guys have got to relax!" Hermione said. After she said that we watched as Ron and Harry fell through. "Drac, please relax," I begged him. "Oh god, Hermione, he is not relaxing!" Ron said. "Um, I remember something about Devil's Snare," I said frantically trying to remember. "Uh Devil's Snare' its deadly fun... but will sulk in the sun! That's it! Sunlight!" I exclaimed. "(n/n) please help me!" Draco screamed. "Lumos Solem!" I yelled shooting a spell at the deadly plants. Draco fell to the ground. "Drac! Are you okay?" I ran to his side. "I am fine, my love," he said hugging me. "Guys, we have got to catch Snape! Come on!" Ron said. We ran through to the next room. When we walked in, we saw a huge chess board. "What is this?" Draco said. "This is Wizard's Chess," Ron said. "Let's just walk through," I said. We went to walk through as the rook pieces blocked our way. "Guys, I think we have to play the game," Harry said. "Okay, Hermione and (y/n), you take the bishop pieces, Harry take the castle piece, and me and Draco will be the knights," Ron ordered. We all move to our spots as the game commences. We made it all the way to the final moves as Ron noticed something. "Draco, I have to move to E-5 and you'll move to G-8, so Harry can make it through," Ron said. "No you can't! You and Draco will get hurt!" I yelled. "She's right guys. I'll sacrifice myself," Harry said. "No you have to get Snape. Not me, not Hermione, not (y/n), and not Draco, you!" Ron exclaimed. "(y/n), it's okay, I said I would protect you and I'm not going to let you get knocked out by a chess piece," Draco said. "But, what if you get hurt? I said I'd protect you," I said looking at him. "I'll be okay, as long as Pot- Harry makes it to the other side." I looked at him and mouthed 'I love you, my infinity'. He responded, 'And I you'. "Do it Ron!" he yelled. "Knight to G-8!" Ron yelled. I watched as the white team piece hit Draco and he fell to the ground. I went to run to him but Harry yelled, "(y/n) don't! The game is still going on!" I began crying. Draco wasn't moving and all noise tuned out. All I could see was Draco. Then I snapped back when I heard the crash of Ron's piece. "Girls, get Dumbledore. He'll know what to do," Harry said as he walked into the next room. I ran over to Draco. "Drac! Draco! Wake up please!" I said shaking him. "If you keep shaking me like that, I'll have more injuries, my love," he answered. I hugged him, "Drac, you're okay!" "Of course I am. Now let's go get Dumbledore!" We all ran to get Dumbledore in hopes that Harry was okay.

It was time for the awarding of the House Cup. We all rushed to the hospital wing to wait for Harry. He walked out as we stood on the ledge above. "Harry!" Hermion yelled. "You okay there, Malfoy?" Harry asked. "Yeah, you?" he answered. "Better than ever."
We all sat down at our house tables for the award. Gryffindor came in 4th, Hufflepuff 3rd, Ravenclaw 2nd, and Slytherin 1st! We had won! But then Dumbledore started handing out points last minute to the Gryffindors. Harry got 60 points, Ron and Hermione 50 each, and Neville 10. The Slytherins were in shock we thought we had won, but of course, the perfect little Gryffindors win. But then, Dumbledore began talking again. “And for Miss (y/n) Granger, It takes a strong will and person to go against a stereotype and prove your worthiness. 50 points,” he said. We all began cheering as we thought he was done.“But for Mr. Draco Malfoy, it is an amazing feat to protect the one you love no matter what, even when your father may not like them. 50 points,” Dumbledore finished. I turned to Draco and gave him a huge hug. “I love you, (y/n) Granger,” Draco said. “And I love you, Draco Malfoy,” I said. We began the feast and enjoyed the rest of this day. I’m going to miss it here. 

It was the day we left for home, Me and Hermione were already on the bus in a compartment waiting for the boys. “I’m going to miss them you know,” she said. “Yeah, me too, Mione,” I said sadly. They walked in as we finished talking. Draco and I were on one side and the trio on the other. “Hey, you guys should come to visit over the summer!” Ron said. “Even you Malfoy,” he finished. “Well, Mione and I will be there!” I said. “I probably can’t my Uncle Vernon is a right wanker,” Harry said. “If you can, do come,” Ron said. “I guess if (y/n) is going to be there, I’ll come too,” Draco mumbled. “Uh what was that Malfoy?” Ron said trying to get a rise out of him. “I’LL COME TO THE STUPID BURROW!” Draco yelled. He began blushing, but we all started laughing as the train came to a stop. “Welp, I guess we’re here,” I said disappointed. “Yeah, I guess so. It’s going to be weird without you guys,” Draco said. “Oh, we’ll miss you too, Draco,” Harry said smiling t let him know they were cool. “Thanks, Harry,” Draco did the same back. We all filed off the train and Draco and I were the last two left to leave the station. “Drac, I’m going to miss you a lot, you know,” I said anxiously. “I’ll miss you more, my love,” He hugged me tightly and I pulled out after a minute just to stare at him. “(y/n), just kiss him already!” I heard Hermione yell. I looked at him and then kissed him. He fell into the kiss and it was magical. I pulled away and ran to Hermione. It was time to go home.

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