Diagon Alley

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After breakfast, Molly said, "We have to get to Diagon Alley, is finish up and put on your clothes!" I walked upstairs to put on my clothes. I wore a black turtleneck with a plaid skirt, black boots, and the necklace Draco gave me. That necklace was the one thing I never leave without.

"Repping your house very well there, kiddo," Fred said messing up my hair

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"Repping your house very well there, kiddo," Fred said messing up my hair. "Oh shush, old-timer," I said nudging him. Harry was confused on how to use floo powder so Ron demonstrated. "Diagon Alley!" he yelled. "Okay, go ahead now Harry," Molly said. "Diagonally!" Harry said firmly. "What did he say?" Molly wondered. "Diagonally," Arthur answered. We all went one by one to Diagon Alley through the chimney.

Once we arrived Molly wanted to go straight for the Gilderoy Lockhart book signing. Hermione agreed. "Ew, Lockhart is a right fraud you know," I said. "Oh no he isn't, (y/n)," Hermione said. We walked into the store of the book signing and it was overflowing. So many people have fallen for Lockhart's lies it was honestly sad.

Draco's pov:

I stood upon the ledge on the 2nd floor of the bookstore. As I looked down to the gaggle of people here to see Lockhart I saw my (y/n). She was stunning wearing Slytherin colors. Her hair flowing behind her as she walked fiercely in her heels. She was a sight for sore eyes I tell you. Everytime I saw her my eyes lit up. I only ever looked at her like that.

Your pov:

Harry and Hermione re-enter the store just as Gilderoy appears. I didn't listen to a thing he said and continued to look at books. I did notice him pull Harry into a picture even though Harry barely knew who he was. When Harry walked towards the exit I saw Draco walk down the stairs. He made me giddy everytime I saw his piercing eyes and impressive jawline. "Draco!" I yelled running towards him. "(y/n)!" he exclaimed picking me up and spinning me around. "Aww," Hermione said. "Ugh, get a room you two," Harry said rolling his eyes. Hermione elbowed him. "Bet you lived that didn't you, Potter? Getting all that attention," Draco said. "Play nice now, Draco," a figure said, sticking a silver snake walking stick on Draco's shoulder. I turned around and saw THE Lucius Malfoy. "You must be, (y/n)," he said looking at me. "Uh, yes sir that's me," I answered. "You look very nice today, (y/n). I love the color scheme," he said. "Thank you so much, sir," I thanked. "No, no, no, you simply must call me Lucius," he said. "Draco has told me so much about you. I don't think he has ever talked about someone for so long, my dear," he laughed. Draco started blushing. "Why hello there, Lucius," Arthur said walking up to us. They began exchanging passive-aggressive comments toward each other. Draco began clenching his fist because he knew not to talk back to his father. I grabbed his hand and kissed his cheek so he would calm down. Just as I did that, Lucius motioned Draco to follow him as he exited. Draco stayed put as hs father became more impatient. "Draco Lucius Malfoy, come with me this instant!" Lucius demanded. "No, Father, I would like to stay with my girlfriend," Draco said calmly. "Why didn't you just say that, silly," Lucius said as he began to calm down. "Well, you all have a nice day, especially you, (y/n)," Lucius said winking. He walked away as I turned to Draco, "I'm so proud of you, Drac," I said hugging him. "It was nothing. I'm definitely going to pay for it though," he said nervously giggling. Just as he said that I looked down to see my necklace had started glowing. Draco looked at it and pretended it was nothing. I grasped his hand to let him know I understand. "Well lovebirds, can we continue shopping?" Harry said sarcastically. "Yeah come on!" Ginny said ready to go. We continued shopping as Hermione pulled me aside. "(y/n) did you see that? Draco stood up to his Dad for you. You might as well as just put a ring on it," she began to giggle. "Haha very funny, Hermione," I said. "Come on, I'm sure Draco is wondering where you are," she said grabbing my arm. "Hey, guys! Welcome back," Draco said. We walked around stores and picked up all of Ginny's new supplies for her first year at Hogwarts. "You know, your first year is magical. You learn more, you meet wonderful professors, and amazing people," I said to Ginny staring at Draco. "Geez, (y/n) that sounds like so much fun! I can't wait!" Ginny said in excitement. I smiled and responded, "Come on then!"

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