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That morning I went to talk to Hermione. "(y/n)!" She yelled giving me a big hug. She asked "How was your night? Better with Malfoy over there I'm guessing?" I froze up. "W-well I-I can e-ex-explain." I said hoping she'll listen. "(y/n) I'm joking. I can tell he makes you happy and that you fancy him." she said. I let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks Mione. Wait! How did you know?!" "Listen here, the only other man you look at like that is Father. You know why? Because you love him and would do anything for him to protect him." She began smiling. "I appreciate the analysis but here comes Harry and Ron so shush!!!"
The boys walked towards us. "Hey girls!" Harry said looking at me. "Harry stop drooling. I'm hungry let's go." Ron said. Harry shoved him and I asked "When aren't you hungry Ron?" Everyone started giggling as we walked in. I hugged Hermione and walked to Draco who was waving me over. "Hey (y/n)!" he said a a smile grew on his face from ear to ear. "Hey Drac! Oh wait can I call you that?" I said nervously. "You can call me anything (y/n)." He said winking.
"Have you seen that mudblood (y/n)! She is pathetic thinking Draco would like her!" a group of girls said giggling while walking by. "The only pathetics ones are you, rats!" Draco said defending my name. It felt amazing to know he defended my name. I wish I could call that bloody swoon mine. The way his fist clenched when those girls made fun of me was unbelievably sexy. Then I snapped backed to reality when he said, "I'm sorry (y/n), you are amazing and I would like you just so you know." I almost fainted. Did he really say that? "Thanks Draco. I really appreciate it."

Draco's pov:

The moment I heard those jealous schoolgirls talk bad about my (y/n) I almost snapped and pulled out my wand to zap them. Hearing (y/n) say she appreciated made the feat even better. She was so gorgeous when she wore her Slytherin attire. Who am I kidding? She looked gorgeous always.

Your pov:

I went to walk to potions with Draco so I could talk to him and of course Harry walks up and grabs my arm. "Let's go (y/n)!" He demanded. "No! Harry let go! I said let go!" I said as I ripped my arm out of his grip. "Are you crazy (y/n)? Hanging out with Malfoy? He doesn't care about you. He just wants to bump up his social status by getting a girlfriend!" Harry said. I grabbed Draco's hand, "Harry shut up! You don't know anything! You're just jealous I'd rather be with him than you!" I screamed. Draco then walked in front of me and attacked Harry. "Get him Harry!" Ron said which got himself two dirty looks from me and Hermione. "Enough!" I said pulling Draco away while Hermione pulled back Harry. "She's mine Malfoy! You are evil and need to keep your stupid arse away from (y/n)!" Harry demanded. Draco rebuttled, "She isn't yours and never will be Potter! You're the evil one, if I recall you walked over here and grabbed her by her arm and kept going when she said stop you jerk!" I let Draco go and cupped his face, "Please stop, Draco, please!" He looked me in my eyes and calmed down. I waved goodbye to my sister and headed back to potions.
"I'm sorry (y/n). But he shouldn't have treated you that way! You deserve the world and that wasn't it." Draco said nervously. "It's okay Drac. It's really hot watching you defend my honor anyways" I smirked and winked. He blushed of course and grabbed my hand. "Come on slow poke!" Then we ran to potions not a care in the world either.
We got to potions and after Harry got scolded by Snape he looked at me. I stuck my nose in the air and looked away. I saw a note hit my desk. "I'm sorry. Please don't hate me -Harry" I read. "Whatever Harry. Don't expect me to forgive your behavior." I wrote back. Snape walked up to us and said, "Passing notes I see. You don't even know half of this curriculum Potter but you pass notes?" Harry acted as if he wasnt even there with us but then Snape added, "Detention, the both of you." I was furious, Draco noticed and clutched my hand. It calmed me down lots.
Potions ended and I stormed out of class with Draco, Harry trailing behind. He yelled, "(y/n) wait!" Hermione and Ron caught up to me as I realized Draco was gone.

Draco's pov:

"Potter quit it! For god's sake!" I said. "You've ruined it for yourself! Everyone already knows that." I continued. "Malfoy who are you to say that. You don't know what (y/n) wants." Harry answered. "Well I know she doesn't want a guy who can't help but get in her way no matter what." I finished and walked away. He is ruining (y/n)'s mood and everytime she gets happy he does something. I need to cheer her up.

I'm a Granger (draco x reader)Where stories live. Discover now