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Hey all! I'm popping in to say thank you so much for the support! This is my first fanfic so I was nervous to post it but you've all made me feel very welcomed. Enjoy the rest!💝

Christmas came before you could say "Saint Nicholas". I was watching everyone was get ready to go home when I saw Draco walk up to me. "Hey, my love." he said cheerily. "Hey Drac. I forgot to ask but are you going home for Christmas?" I said nervously. I really wanted Draco to stay so we could spend it together. I really do love the stupid oaf. "Of course, I wouldn't want to spend Christmas with anyone else." he said winking. "I love you Drac." I said embracing him. "Who wouldn't, I'm me." he said sarcastically. I punched him in his shoulder. "Let's go find the others." he said. We ran to the great hall hand in hand.
We walked into the Great Hall behind Hermione. Me and Draco walked  up to see Harry and Ron playing wizards chess. Ron moved one of his pieces to Harry's. Ron's piece took a tiny little chair and hit Harry's piece over the head crumbling it to a pile of rubble. "That's completely barbaric." Hermione said looking disgustingly. "Well that's wizards chess for ya." Ron said giggling. "Chill out Granger, it's just a game." Draco chimed in. I was holding his hand as we walked up to them. When Harry saw that he clenched his fists trying to be happy for me while suppressing his true feelings. "See you too are cuddling up. Probably staying over Christmas just to snog." Harry said rolling his eyes. "Listen here Potter I-" Draco started. "Stop Drac. He's not worth it." I cut him off ready to do the same to Harry's head. Harry giggled a little bit but quit when I started to glare at him. "Well I'm going home to visit Mom and Dad. They'll be happy to see me. See you later, sis. Oh you boys too." Hermione said walking away. "Love you, Mione!" I exclaimed. She giggled and continued walking. "(y/n), I have a surprise for you lets go" Draco said grabbing my hand. I interlaced my fingers in his. His hands are so warm and it feels right holding his hand. Harry scoffed at us out of pure jealousy. I really wish he could except our relationship, but I will always love Draco anyways.
Draco pulled me through the halls of the school. The architecture of Hogwarts never failed to impress. The columns of the building carved and shaped to perfect looks. The golden candlelit corridors, look endless while running through them with him. "Drac, what are we doing?" I asked confused but intrigued. "We are almost there" he said excited. He stopped as I was still running and I tripped on his robe. He caught me from falling on the hard stone floor. "I guess you could say you're falling for me" he said smirking. "Oh shut it Malfoy" I said. We both started laughing at ourselves. His smile was so amazing. "In here, babe" he said pulling me into the Slytherin common room. I look around and see the common room decorated for Christmas. The decorations sparkling, everything looking so perfect. "It is gorgeous in here, Drac" I said in awe. "This isn't even the surprise" he pulls me into a waltz position as "I'll Be Home For Christmas" started playing. "I heard you and Hermione singing this song together. You said it was your favorite, and I wanted to make you happy" Draco said nervously. "I love it Drac, I love you" I kissed him. Not on the cheek, not on the forehead, right on the mouth. As I did, he cupped my face and pulled into the kiss. We got so entrapped in the kiss it was like fireworks were going off behind us. "Pretty good for your first one, Malfoy" I joked. "Wait you've had more?!" Draco said nervously. "I'm kidding, dummy" I laughed. He blushed, "You're gonna get it, Granger." He started tickling me up and down. "Stop it you little snake!" I said giggling furiously. We stopped dancing when the song finished and snuggled up together on the couch. "You've made this Christmas amazing, (y/n). I love you so much" Draco said smiling. He seemed happier than usual, I liked it. "For infinity?" I said inquisitively. "For infinity" he said as we drifted off to sleep.

Draco's pov:

That morning, I woke up holding (y/n). "Wake up, sunshine, its Christmas" I said shaking (y/n) awake. "Oh, good morning, my love" she said. "I got you something" I said nervously. Was she going to like it? What if I got her the wrong thing? "And I got you one" she said cheekily. "I call going first, (y/n)." I pulled out a jewelry box. Inside was a silver chain with a snake at the end holding a green crystal.

 Inside was a silver chain with a snake at the end holding a green crystal

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I opened the box and revealed it to
(y/n). Her jaw dropped as she saw the necklace. "Drac, its beautiful" she was almost in tears. "Whenever the crystal glows it means that your lover is in trouble" I said pulling out a second necklace. "I don't know how my gift will ever live up to that" (y/n) said. "All I need for Christmas is you, (y/n). Plus I'm sure its great" I said reassuringly. (y/n) pulled out a picture with a silver frame on it. It was a picture of us on the day I asked her to be mine on the quidditch field. "(n/n), this is adorable. I love this gift and I love you" I said kissing her forehead. "I love you too" she said cheekily. We then sat by the fire and enjoyed the test of our Christmas together. (y/n) is perfect and so was that day.

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