The Hogwarts Express

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Me and Hermione said our goodbyes to Mom and Dad. "We are gonna miss you girls so much." Mom said, her eyes tearing up. "Mom it's not that serious." Me and Hermione said, rolling our eyes. "Yes it is girls, growing up in a non-magical household but making it into the best wizarding school on this side the atlantic." Dad said rubbing our shoulders. "Don't worry guys, we will be careful. Besides we have each other. I'll protect you if you protect me Mione. Pinky promise." I said sticking out my pinky finger. Hermione grabbed on to it with hers and said. "Pinky promise." With that, we ran to the train never losing eye contact with Mom and Dad. We found a compartment, put our things away and stuck our heads out of the window. Me and Hermione waved and waved at Mom and Dad until they fell out of our sights. This was the beginning of something extraordinary.

Hermione and I went to find the trolley. "I think it's down there (y/n)!" Hermione said. On our way there I walked past a compartment with 3 kids in it all of them having fun and talking. When I looked over a boy with platinum blonde, slicked-back hair, and stunning clear eyes looked at me. I made eye contact, as a cute smile appeared on his face. Hermione grabbed my hand and said "(y/n) let's go!" I smiled back and ran away. I heard his compartment door open and I felt him looking at me still.

After me and Hermione had found the cart we heard a voice start a spell. "Sunshine daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid, fat, rat yellow." We made it there to see a spark come from a boy with bright red hair's wand and hit his rat. "Are you sure that's a real spell?" Hermione asked. "Well it's not very good is it?" I added then giggled. I looked to see a second boy staring at me practically drooling. He looked away the moment I made eye contact.

Harry's pov:

I started looking at this girl. She had gorgeous shiny (h/c) hair, crisp (e/c) eyes that I could stare at all day. Which I think I did until she caught me and I looked away. Ron nudged me and whispered, "Like what you see there eh Harry?" I shoved him off.
What was so intriguing about this girl? All I know is that I was going to find out.

Your pov:

"Nice to meet you boys. I'm (y/n) and this is Hermione." I waved and so did Hermione. "I'm Ron Weasley." The boy with the not yellow rat said. "And I'm Harry, Harry Potter." said the boy who kept staring at me. "Wait, THE Harry Potter!?" I said rushing to sit in front of him. "Yeah, that's me." He smiled. "What a pleasure to meet you two." I said. "Well me and (y/n) need to go. You two better get your robes on we'll be arriving soon." Hermione said pulling me out. I waved one last time and we were on our way. "Did you see the way Harry looked at you (n/n)? He fancies you for sure." Hermione giggled. "Oh shut it, Mione." I rebutted. This time when we walked past the boy with platinum blonde hair he waved and smiled. I felt all giddy inside and did the same back. He blushed. "Wow (y/n), you're making all the boys swoon." Hermione giggled a bit more. "I'll say it again and only once more. Shut. It. Mione." I said as she continued to giggle. I shoved her as we heard the train slow to a stop.

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