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"Wow. Look at this place." I said to Hermione. "Its just like the books." She said grabbing my hand. "We've made it. Together." I said looking at Hermione. "Together." We followed Professor McGonagall. We pulled to a stop as she began to talk. "Welcome to Hogwarts." I looked at Hermione and smiled. "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats you'll be sorted into your houses. The sorting is a very important ceremony blah blah blah." My mind started wandering and then Professor McGonagall left. "Come on Mione, let's find Harry and Ron." We began to talk to him then the boy with platinum blonde hair. He looked at me and we both blushed. Harry glared at him even though I'm not his. "This is Crabbe and this is Goyle," I heard the platinum blonde haired boy say ", And my name's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." I heard Ron giggle a bit. "Think my name's funny do you?" Draco said. I interjected, "Well nice to meet you Draco! My name's Granger, (y/n) Granger." Draco turned his head and started smiling.

Draco's pov:

I've been falling for this girl since I made eye contact on that damned train. But now she looks more gorgeous than ever her (s/c) skin shining in the torches light and her gorgeous (h/c) hair flowing as she walked up to me. What was this girl doing to me? She gave me butterflies and made my heart beat faster than ever before. And when I saw Potter look at her my blood boiled. Am I in love?

Your pov:

Me and Draco were staring at each other when I heard McGonagall walk in. "Now form a line, follow me." McGonagall said. Draco moved to be next to me while Harry tried to do the same. "Its nice to meet you too (y/n)." Draco grinned. "Are you excited? I'm in love with this place already." I said. He giggled, "Yeah, my parents talked wonders about this place. They fell in love here you know." Draco said as he looked at me. I began to blush. Was he trying to flirt with me? More importantly, did I want him to flirt with me? "That's adorable. I've always been a sucker for lovey dovey stuff." I said and I winked at him. All of the sudden the room went dark to me. All I could think about was me and him together.
Dumbledore began a speech. I wasn't paying attention because I wanted to study Draco. He had articulate features and was naturally handsome. Was I falling for a Malfoy? Then, McGonagall began calling names. Hermione was first. The sorting hat yelled "GRYFFINDOR!" Then it was my turn. The sorting hat said, "Oh another Granger I see." I looked over to see Draco smiling at me. Hermione had crossed her fingers on the Gryffindor table whispering, "Please be Gryffindor." over and over. The hat then bursted out, "SLYTHERIN!" I saw Hermione be the only Gryffindor to clap for me as I walked over to the Slytherin table. Draco walked to the hat and before the hat even touched his head it yelled, "SLYTHERIN!" I started clapping because I was overjoyed to spend more time with him. I then waved him over to sit with me. I began talking to him, "Congrats, Draco!" "The same to you, (y/n)" he smiled and I with him. I put my hand on the table and he put his on top of mine, I think it was an accident but we both looked at the accident and blushed not moving our hands.

Harry's Pov:

I got sorted into Gryffindor with Hermione and Ron. I looked over at (y/n). She was holding hands with that slippery snake Malfoy. I don't know what it was about him, but I didn't trust him one bit. Especially with (y/n), she was going to me mine not his ever.

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