Detention... Again

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The trio, Draco, and I sulked on our way to detention. "This is all your fault, (y/n) and Malfoy. If you wouldn't have told on us we wouldn't have lost our points or been in detention" Harry said scoffing. "Well Potter, if you wouldn't have snuck out maybe you'd still have your points" Draco rebutted.

Draco's pov:

Who does Potter think he is? Honestly, he got himself in trouble by sneaking out not me. "Wait, what were you and (y/n) even doing out after hours?" Hermione wondered. "Probably snogging" Harry commented. "Shut it, Potter. If you must know me and (y/n) were having a night picnic together" I said. "Awwww, that's so cute" Hermione said giggly. "Whatever Malfoy, we know you followed us" Ron added. "Why do you think (y/n) was with me then. She actually finds you guys interesting and wants to be friends with you. Why would she snitch" I said. "Draco is right, I told him we shouldn't tell any teachers" (y/n) joined in. "Then why'd you go and tell on us?" Harry asked. "I wasn't going to let Drac go alone" she said, clutching my hand. "No, you wanted to tell on us!" Harry said. "No, I didn't!" "(y/n) you're just as bad as Draco. A sneaky, greasy, Slytherin!" Harry yelled. (y/n) grabbed me into a hug and started crying on my sweater. Ron and Hermione stopped and stared at Harry. "Too far, Harry" Ron said. "Look where your blatant jealousy has gotten you, Potter! Making the girl you fancy cry because of your own envy" I yelled at him. Potter deserved it. What he really deserved was to be beaten down to the ground in my opinion but I wouldn't want to put that stress on (y/n) right now. "Well, how ya doin' kids?" Ready fer the forest?" Hagrid said unaware of what has just happened. We all nodded except for (y/n). She was still heartbroken from Harry's little outburst. "Welp, Ron and Hermione yer gonna be with me. Then Malfoy, Harry, and (y/n) will get together" Hagrid demanded. "Fine then I get Fang" I exclaimed. "Take him. He's a bloody coward I'll tell ya" Hagrid started smiling. We went into the forest it was dark and foggy and filled with howls. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were scared, Malfoy" Harry said. "The only thing I'm scared of is actually hitting you and making (y/n) cry more" I barked at him. "JUST STOP! BOTH OF YOU STOP!" (y/n) pulled out of my shoulder to yell at us. "(y/n), I-" Harry began. "No shut it, Potter. You've done enough. Your jealousy has made you a new person and I don't like him" she said, teary-eyed. "Y-you c-called me Potter" Harry said. You could tell he was holding back tears.

Harry's Pov

She called me Potter. (y/n) was going to hate me because I'm jealous. What am I doing? I need to apologize. "(y/n) I'm so-" as I went to apologize we saw a hooded figure drinking the blood of a unicorn. "AHHHHHH" Malfoy screamed. "Come on, (n/n)!" "No Drac! I can't leave Harry!" She ran in front of me as the figure came towards me. Then from behind, a centaur came and scared away the figure. "It's not safe for you here, Harry Potter" it said. "Oy, 'ello there Firenze!" Hagrid said approaching us. The centaur told us of how horrible it was to drink unicorn blood and left. We walked back to the school together. "Thank you, (y/n), you know for trying to save me," I began, "I hope you know I am really sorry for calling you that. I just can't stand to see you with Malfoy." "Well, I accept your apology, but just try to be nicer to him. He isn't his a bad person. He isn't his father either, you know" (y/n) said. "Yeah, I will try my best to be nicer to Ma- Draco." (y/n) ran up to me and hugged me, "Thank you, Harry." I wish this moment could've lasted forever.

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