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It was the day of the first task and I'm in a tent with the others everyone else looked as nervous as I did.
" champions" dumbledor shouted and we all crowded round him
" you will pick out a dragon out this bag" he said pulling out a tiny bag.
'Dragons bloody hell' my head kept repeating as fleur picked out a green dragon.
" now you y/n" he said as I reached in the bag and pulled out a brown dragon covered in spikes.
" you will each fight your dragon to get to the golden egg which the dragon is trained to protect now fleur your up first" he said as the dragon suddenly disappeared from her hand as she walked out the tent . I walked over and looked out the tent the stadium was filled and I think I could see draco and his family. When it was my turn I walked out the tent everyone was cheering as I came into view. I saw the dragon now fifty times the size of what it was hovering over the egg. I ran over toward it and the dragons tale whipped me into the air and I flew across the stadium and hit my head on a large rock. I stood up and turned my wand into a broom and jumped on it I flew out of sight followed by the dragon. It was right behind me breathing fire I flew around the castle trying to loose the dragon I shot through a gap in the bridge and the dragon got stuck behind me. I headed back to the sight of everyone at the stadium and shot after the egg while everyone was cheering. I reached forward and grabbed the egg and landed holding it up in the air Fred and George ran out of the tent and picked me up. Once I got in the tent everyone was cheering my name I barged my way through them and up into the stadium. I ran round to draco family and stood infront of them draco and lusius looked up at me.
"Did you put my name in the goblet of fire" I said
Lusius stood up and walked over to me.
" good luck in the next task"he whispered in my ear and walked off. I looked at draco who stood up and walked over to me. He looked at my forehead which had a very large cut on and my arm which also had a large cut.
" it's my fault" he said trying to fight back tears
" no its not" I said and hugged him
" Draco now" lusius snapped and hit him with his stick draco followed him out of the stadium.
I walked out the way of anyone and into the room I was staying in and lead on the bed with the egg. I decided to try and open it I sat up and twisted the top of it. It opened and a loud scream came from it I slammed it shut and twisted the top back. What the hell was that I though to myself I had no clue what to do but I had two weeks to figure out what the next task is.
The next day I was walking to posions when Cedric pulled me to the side.
" I know what to do with the egg just go take a bath" he said and walked off. After class I walked back to my room and into my bathroom . I ran a bath and got in I wonder what Cedric meant. I picked up the egg and put it in the bath and under the water and opened it and put my head under the water.
"We cannot sing above the ground, An hour long you'll have to look, To recover what we took. Lest what you seek stays here to rot"the egg sang
I came up and closed the egg.
I got dress and ran down to the slitherin common room. Blasie, Theo and draco where sat on the sofa I rushed over and sat down.
" i have to hold my breath for an hour in the next task" I said out of breath
" what" draco said
" how do I do that" I said
"Ask Neville he might know something and are you ok" he said
" ye I'm fine just a couple cuts and a burn but I'll be ok" I said rushing out the room to find Neville. I ran to the library and found Neville.
" hey Neville can I talk to you" I said and he walked over to me.
" do you know anything that could help me hold my breath for an hour" I said
" gillyweed" he said " snape has some in his closet but you'll have to try and get into it without him knowing other wise he'll kill you" he said
" thanks" I said and walked back to the slitherin common room.
" hey" Theo said as I walked in
" will you guys help me steel something from snapes closet" I said
" sure" Draco said and Theo and blasie nodded
The next day we where in class and draco was trying to distract snape while I snook up to the front and grabbed the keys on his desk. Me and blasie snuck out the room.We got to the closet and I opened the door with the key.
" what are you looking for" he said
" gillyweed" i said as we looked through the glass jars
" found it" he said and gave me a glass jar filled with green weed in spiral shapes. I picked one out and put it in my pocket then put the jar back on the shelf. We locked the door and snuck back into the class and put the keys back on his desk. Draco looked at me and I put my thumb up and he stoped talking to snape and sat back down.
After class I went back to my room and lead down on my bed and shut my eyes.


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