The Other Side

24 4 61

Still Spades' POV

"SPADES!" I hear Race practically shout in my ear. My eyes slowly open, tryin ta take in the last scraps of sleep.

"What?" I yawn. He kinda shakes his head ta himself as he explains,

"Spades youse is helpin lead a war. Ya can't just wake up wheneva ya feel like."

"Just watch me." I mutter, rollin ova ta the odda side in a feeble attempt ta just sleep. I've been sleepin less and less and I think it and the war's startin ta get ta me. Suddenly I feel my non-sore arm violently yanked outta bed, my body followin it. I yelp, hit the ground, and den before growl at him.

"Youse is dead Race." ta which he replies sarcastically,

"Yeah I'm real scared. What are ya gonna do? Whack me wit a pillow?" I try ta do as recommend, but he dodges. "Ise would really love ta do dis right now - I really would - but ise is actually late ta somethin important." And wit dat, he takes off runnin. I shak off the last bits of sleep and, chase afta him.


Jack had so graciously returned today, and wes is woikin wit Midtown on fightin technique, and the strategy I had devised. Wes've been woikin for a while and it ain't nearly as fun as dancing.

If ise is sweatin my skin off, I want it ta be in ballet, tap, or acro.

Since wes is allied wit Brooklyn, wes is headin ova there around 3 sos dey can tell us what their spies has been learnin, and how wes can come up wit a defense against it.


Stripes' POV

"What do ya have ta report stripes?" Spot asks me. I'm his best spy, and he wants ta squeeze out every price of information before 3. I, howeva, am still in a bit of rage.

Spyin puts me in a good position of power; just as long as I don't get caught.

Ise keep thinkin; convincin myself sat it's all woith it. Den I always come back ta the conclusion,

I almost got caught.

Which is why I'm in rage. At the moment, ise just want the dough I was promised, I don't think I could be a triple agent, and if ise goes back on the Staten gig I lose dat source of income. On the odda hand, Socks just made a very stupid mistake thinkin he could out play me. Stupid mistakes do have ta be taught betta.

Which way gets me da most?

Ta answer Spot, all I do ta reply is smirk and say,

"Dem Staten idiots are all ova da place. Dey don't have a solid plan or nothin, and da plans dey do have is lousy." Poor naive Spot takes the bait and just smiles ta himself; self pleasure and conceit evident in his eyes. He just stays like dat for a few moments, before I slyly ask, "Can I get some more data?" Snappin outta it, he asks,

"Can youse collect exactly what they're messy plans is?" I pat him on the back and say,

"Youse got it boss." Before I turn around and gag ta myself at the whole act.


"Why'd ya do dat Socks?" I ask him in a fury. I had run all the way from Brooklyn, and now stared up at him in the alleyway wes always meet in. All he does in return is smile and reply,

"Ise is surprised youse didn't come soona." I feel my muscles tense - and since us Brooklyn newsies is trained for violence - I grab his shirt by the collar in a blind rage. He was scrawny and weak; almost sickly.

Ise could pick him off real easy wheneva I want ta.

"Why'd ya do it Socks? I recommend youse answer da question before ise causes some real hurtin." I snarl, my voice lowered but on the verge of breakin out inta madness. He's does nothin but keep on wit dat stupid grin. He looks as though he could almost laugh; as though he was also on the verge off losing his mind.

"Why? I'm your employer. You're at my mercy." I lean closa, my breath hot in his face.

"Ise could pick youse off anytime I wanted ta." Afta no flinch, I pause and add "Or you're sista." wickedly, ta which I see panic enta his eyes before he tries ta push it aside.

Too late. I saw it.

Now howeva, he starts grinnin again as he replies,

"And ise have evidence ta permanently damn youse ta all the newsies." Realizin dat he wasn't kiddin around, I drop and stare at him in a combination of slight terror and fury. Shakin it away, I repeat half ta myself as a reassurance,

"Ise could pick yis clean off in dis alleyway." in a whisper, tryin my best ta keep the uncertainty outta my voice. He looks me dead in the eyes.

"Den youse don't get your mon-"

"Youse was neva gonna give me da money!" I snap. Ise won't lose me uppahand. His eyes widen slightly, and he takes a moment ta regain his thoughts.

"You'll get your money." He whispers. "I just need more time." I stop ta think about dis for a moment. Wes is both in opposing positions ta destroy the odda. Why not try ta make some dough off of it?

"What's the date?"

"It's the 8th." He responds quietly. Ise is mullin ova my opinions.

"Two weeks. I gives ya two weeks ta make up the total." Swallowin, he asks.

"Which is?"

"24.50." He gapes at me.

"Dat can't be right..." I hear him repeatedly mutta ta himself, and odda such phrases. I can't help but smile ya myself.

"No it is. Ise've been woikin for youse for 49 weeks, 50 cents per week. Do da math." He just backs away, lookin down inta his empty hands until he hits a wall. I take one threatenin pace towards him. "Ise can finish all your troubles right here if you'd like? Make things fast and easy?" Surprisingly, he shrugs and answers,

"It's technically your skin." I tense in confusion by his indifference.

"What do youse mean 'my skin'?" I ask, slightly shaking. He looks me in the eye, again witout fear.

"I have a life line in case of situations like dis."

Is he fakin?

I look deep inta his eyes. Deys is dead serious.

I can't afford ta chance it.

Sos I step back. "Two weeks." I say. "I don't care how. Just get me da money."

"Two weeks..." Socks repeats in a soft and hollow voice. It's more towards himself than me. Wit a last glance ova ta him - takin in what I had made - Ise walks away, leavin a shell of a leada crumpled on the cement behind me.


YAY IM POSTING AGAIN! I haven't rebuilt my section of prewritten chapters yet, but I hope to asap. As some of you may know, I'm officially starting school on Friday, so I still probably won't up date as frequently as I used to, BUT UPDATE I WILL! Thank you guys who have stuck with this series from the start, you mean the world to me. Heads up, it's about to get real angsty here, but heck this story needs some paprika. It's really exciting that people actually see what I'm writing and care about it so thank you whoever is reading this, you truly make my day a little brighter.

Ily guys sm you're amazing!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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