Chapter 2

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Hope you guys found your favorite bean :)

"Hey, Ghoul! Do you have a screwdriver?" I asked as I barged into the shack.

If you guys wondering, the shack is where you gear up, fix things etc. Now, I better fix my ray gun cuz this bad boy can't even give a blow.

Ghoul, which he's head was in too deep in the car's engine pulled up and turned to me, "What?"

"A screwdriver, y'know? To wind the screw off."

"I know what a screwdriver is. The question is, why do you need it?" he asked as he wiped his hand with a dirty rag.

"Y'know, my ray gun's a bit off." I answered him as I showed him my (insert ur color) ray gun.

"Oh, have ever give a thought of, um I don't know, that the ray gun would eventually hit someone's ass?" and there's a scratch of sarcasm add to the tone.

"You know exactly what happened in the Hit The Fucking Cans game was an accident."


"Here are the rules; try to shoot all of the cans with your ray gun. Every one of you only has one chance. If you missed a can, you're done. If you shot a huge number of cans, well, take a day off. If you didn't hit any of them can or you hit the can but in a small number, you gotta do a dare that all of us will give." Jet demonstrated as he prepared cans of Power Pup and lined it in various ranges. "Capisce?"

I made a salute pose, "Ay aye, captain!"

"Alright, Party's first."

Party stepped in and pulled out his yellow ray gun. Before I even blinked, he hit all of the cans. He spun his ray gun with hand and then blew the tip of the gun. "And that, kids, how you use a ray gun."

"Alright, who's next?" asked Jet as prepared new cans for the next player.

"I'll give it a go." Replied Ghoul as he stepped into the field. He prepared his green ray gun and started shot the cans. He missed two cans but he probably won anyway. "Almost had it, dammit."

Jet didn't join the game because wanted to see everyone's enjoying it.

And then, Kobra pulled out his red ray gun and took his shot. Well, he has the same score as Ghoul tho. He didn't say anything. Quiet boy.'s my turn. I'm so anxious. I mean, The Fabulous Four is watching you play! It could be an embarrassment.

So I pulled out my ray gun and I aim at the cans. Then, I hesitate. I looked at each member. "I can't do it."

"What? No! You gotta pull that trigger right now." Party persuaded me and convinced myself that I can.

"Nah, I suck." I answered.

"C'mon! Give it a try!" said Kobra as he patted my shoulder.

They chanted my name, "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)!"

I'm blushed. So I have no choice but to do it. "Alright, alright! Such a supportive crowd."

I saw Ghoul walked away from us and pulled out a small and long object. Then, he clung it between his lips. Yep, he's smoking.

But, when I pulled the trigger, the ray gun didn't give a response. I cursed underneath my breath. I hit my ray gun several times and hoped that it would work.

It does work, but only once. After beating the shit outta the ray gun, it gave off of is ray and bounced off to several places. Everybody's eyes were following the ray and curious where will the ray's ended up.

Then, it hit Ghoul's ass.

Yep, we heard a manly scream. "MOTHERFUCKER!"

He then ran to us with anger painted on his face. "WHO SHOT A RAY GUN AND LANDED ON MY FUCKING ASS?!"

They pointed at me and I was turned away from him. At the tail of my eye, he went inside and left.


He looked at the ceiling as he reminisced, "Oh, that one. Nope, I'm not borrowing you anything."

"C'mon! You're still mad at me, aren't you?" I asked as he walked off to the Trans-am he was checking.

"You kidding me? You shot the ray gun and landed on my fucking ass. It still stings and I think you already know what the answer is." He then continued what he's doing.

"Help me out, man."

He's didn't answer me. So I decided to walk closer to him.

"If I died while fighting the Drac or S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W, who's going responsible about that?"

"That's your business. Don't pull me into your problems. You're on your own." he answered whilst cranked a gear.

He was acting a bit aggravating, so I decided to grab the screwdriver by myself and ran my ass off.

"What the fu--? GET BACK HERE!"

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