Chapter 6

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I'm sorry for the late update! Online school and laziness distracted me lol. Please enjoy this picture as an apology :)

I just realized how messy this place is. There are so many things covered with a silk-dusted blanket so we wouldn't know what's behind it. I'm just a guest, have no right to mess around with these things.

Party pulled one of the items, he brought it in front of me. He coughed, which is predictable compare to how much dust covered the whole item and it flew around the room.

After he pulled the blanket, it revealed that this is a CRT television on a wooden trolley. And below that, there was a game console that I suspect is PS3 with its controllers.

"Yo, these are vintage. I thought these kinds of stuff were extinguished a long time ago." I said as I mesmerized the CRT television.

"That's what I said when Ghoul found that God-knows-where. Just like I said, he always keeps his shit to himself." Party replied as he rubbed his hands off of the dust.

"So, how do you work this thing? I didn't live in the '90s."

"Umm, let me check." he crouched down and checked the buttons that have attached to the television.

He stood up and checked the back of the television with perplexity drawn on his face. He scratched his head and bit his lips. "Fuck, I-"

"You don't know how to operate it, huh?" I asked.

He clicked his tongue and stood up. He shrugged. "It's been so long since I used this. Ghoul and Jet who usually operate this."

"Uh-huh, so we're not going to watch TV?"

"Well, as you can see, no we're not. But, I got a radio." He pointed to the counter and there was a radio with BOOM written on the front.

I ran to the counter and grabbed the radio. Still, my dumbass can't even operate a radio.

Party snatched the radio and somehow he made the radio worked.

"Wow, it works! Let's take a listen!" my excitement got elevated because it's been a long time since I listened to a radio.

"Where do you want to hear it?" Party asked as he closed back the CRT television with the dirty blanket.

"Um, recommendation?"

"We could listen to it at the back."

"Sure, why not"


Crash Queens and Motor Babies, you're here with me, Dr. Death-Defying.

We sat on the ground, watching the sunset down to the ground and gone wherever it wishes. It's currently afternoon and a cool breeze blew my hair away and made me set aside my hair from my sight many times.

Party seems awfully quiet. He closed his eyes as he relished the cool breeze.

Dr. Death-Defying's commentary was blasted and filled the silence between us.

"You know," his voice brought attention to me, "me and the boys used to do this--hanging out in the back--after a long chase with Korse. He really wants to kick our asses." he chuckled at the end of this sentence.

I chuckled as well.

And then, there was another awkward silence. I'm bad at making conversation starter. It ended up...bad.

I mean, real bad. 

"(y/n), do you have a family? You don't have to answer it if you're not comfortable." Party said as he fixated his eyes on mine.

I took a deep breath and then I let it out. This topic was never easy to talk about.

"I used to have a family in Battery City. But, me and my brother decided to run away from there. It's a total hell-hole. We're so sick of it. We want to change. So, we started dyed our hairs with random colors we found in an abandoned paint store. Those assholes gave us a stupid warning and threaten us. At first, we don't give a shit at all. We then started changing our style with colorful jackets, jeans, etc. Then, they raised their ray guns on us. We have no choice but to run away. We were doing okay, surviving through day to day. Then-"


We looked at each other after heard Jet's call. We then stood up and ran inside. 

Inside, we found Kobra's poker face--as always--, Ghoul's witty face became all stiff and stern and Jet's anxious face. 

"What's up?" I asked as I was catching my breath.

Ghoul's eyes were fixated on me for a couple of seconds and then dropped his stare at Party's. He nodded and said the word:

"Mr. Blues-Clues."

Party nodded back and his fingers ran through his weapon belt then grabbed his ray gun. "Go."

The next thing I know, they ran hectically, turned off all the lights, pushing heavy items against the main entrance, and closing the windows. 

I was confused and I stood in the middle of the room. I didn't know what to do. 

I approached Kobra as he closing the windows. I asked, "What's going on? Who's Mr. Blues-Clues?"

He halted as he glanced at me, "There's no time to explain. Go find a hiding place and bring your ray gun with you."

He was about to walk through me forcibly but held my ground, "W-why?"

"Just do what I say. NOW!" he stated firmly and he was successfully walking past me. 

I grabbed my ray gun from the counter and heard a shout from Ghoul. "(Y/N)! COME WITH ME!"

I saw Ghoul handing his hand to me with Party and Jet beside him. With no clue, I took his hand he brought me to Jet's room. 

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