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"Ren?!" You shout, standing up and walking to the barred door. "I'm going to give you five seconds to let me out... Kylo!"

Hearing shouting coming from the room, a trooper bangs his fist on the metal. "Quiet in there!" He shouts at you, making you narrow your eyes. Grimacing, you do your best to stand and walk to the door, eyeing the officer who stands with his back towards you.

"Walk to me." You order, taking a deep breath as you control him via the force. Indoctrinated, his walks to your cell. "Unlock the door and hand me your weapon." You state. He obeys, the door slides open and you grab the blaster from his hands. Suddenly, you're being pushed to the ground, having all the air inside your lungs knocked out.

"Nice try." Hux laughs, holding the lightning rod by his side, "Unfortunately for you, I'm not weak-minded." He states, gesturing his hand for the troopers to place someone inside your cell. He slams the cell door, but not before he kicks you in the gut once more.

"Hux!" You gasp for breath, holding a hand to your stomach as you grimace through the pain, "I knew I should've killed you when I had the chance!"

"Well, you didn't." You swear you can see his smile from through the grates of the prison door, "And I sense you won't be getting many more opportunities either."

Pushing your hand through a gap, you grab him by the collar and hit his head against the cold metal. He cries out in pain, alerting the nearby troopers who rush to his aid. "Sir, are you-"

"I'm fine!" He shouts, holding his hand to his forehead in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Looking to the troopers who watch him awkwardly, Hux stands up straighter, "I'm fine. Keep an eye on her!" Pausing to give you a glare, Hux eyes you as he spits, "Wait until the Supreme Leader gets his hands on you. Snoke has big plans. And you're not going to like them." You don't waste time in responding, you watch him leave instead. Gripping his keycard in your hand, you take a step away from the door.

"Smart girl," the pilot comments, "if only you deserved to be free."

"What happened to you?" You wonder, searching his mind freely. You see him inside the interrogation room, crying, shouting, losing his mind. You hear bits and pieces of information coming through quickly, as if the barrier holding it all together has been broken, and you know exactly by who, "Kylo Ren got to you."

Poe Dameron doesn't say a word. He doesn't even notice you're in his mind, listening to Kylo interrogating him. "Never lose hope... Come home..."

Looking to the keycard, you turn to the Rebel pilot. You look at his beaten face and his defeated expression. Stepping towards him, you crouch down to eye Poe. "I suppose you deserve to be free?"

"I don't kill innocent people." He glares up at you, his eyes burning with anger and with tears; no doubt for his old friend.

"No, you just kill whoever isn't on your side." You answer, heading to the door. With the keycard in your hands, you sneakily attempt to find the scanner, quickly pulling your hand back whenever a trooper turns to you.

Poe watches as you come to an abrupt halt, eyes cast on the ground. You turn to him, throwing the keycard on his lap, "Good luck getting out of here with your hands tied behind your back." You tell him, facing the door once again.

Poe's eyes are wide, not even he could predict this. "What the hell?" He mutters, giving you a perplexed look, "What's this for?"

"Other than escaping?" You keep your eyes ahead, standing up straight and proud. "Something we both agree on; it's time for Kylo Ren to go home. The Resistance and I may not see eye to eye all the time, but Kylo Ren is a threat to the galaxy... and to himself. And... And it's not supposed to be like this."

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