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Poe brings you back to reality. "After all you've done? Intercepting Resistance cargo, initiating battles with us..."

"I do what I have to to survive. I never forget to repay a favour that I owe." Looking into his eyes, you stretch your hand out, "Right now, we're all on the same side."

"Favour, huh?" He hesitates. "Can you complete my mission for me?"

You narrow your eyes at him as you pace, walking to the cell door and looking around, "I've never met a rebel who couldn't get a job done."

"Knowing what I know about you and Ben Solo..." Poe takes a breath, "I don't think I'm the right one for the job."

Your eyes are wide, eyebrows furrowed, you've never heard someone else use that name in so long. You've always kept it hidden, always settling to call Kylo Ben to make him angry... but Ben Solo, that has legacy tied to it. Swallowing harshly, you clench your fists, "What's your mission?"

"Stop Kylo Ren, destroy the order, bring him back... dead or alive." He grits his teeth. Leia wants her child back now. Good to know. Dead or alive? You feel uneasy. Clenching your jaw, you think it over. You really need that map. You nod at his proposal and he reaches for the door. You're free. "Truce, for now." The rebel holds his hand out to you and in an instant, you take it. Giving a single nod to him, Poe takes a breath before opening the cell door.

"You're... you're not supposed to be out here yet..." Holding your hand up, you're about to push the unmasked Stormtrooper back with the force but he raises his hands, a blubbering mess.


"I was... Well, I was bout to let you out." The trooper admits, catching eyes with Poe.

You and Poe share a look but you never lower your hand. "Go on." You order him, eyeing the trooper suspiciously.

"I'm... I'm trying to escape too," he admits in a hushed whisper, "I just needed a pilot, I was going to find you. You're Poe Dameron, right? Best Pilot out there." He looks at Poe. Someone trying to escape the clutches of Kylo Ren, you'd definitely like to take part in helping a trooper defect. You gaze at him, analysing his features. He looks tired and extremely worried. Hm. You thought they'd trained the rebellion out of them. "It was meant to be a rescue, I was going to help you escape, Poe." The two are so involved in one another that they don't even see you appear from your hiding place in the cells.

"And me?" You wonder, lowering your hand and grinning at the man.

His mouth hangs open slightly, "Well... you, I was..."

Poe places a hand on the mans shoulder, "Don't worry, I had my doubts too."

Aiming his blaster closer to you, the rogue stormtrooper looks at you with wide eyes as you step out. "Are you secretly with the First Order?" He inquires, the gun relentlessly pointed at you, analysing your every move.

Narrowing your eyes at him, you frown. "What do you think? Why would I spend all this time being a nuisance only to be on your side? Do I look like I'm a part of this stupid order?"

"Well," the pilot speaks up, looking you up and down, "you are wearing a lot of black."

Rolling your eyes, you walk up to the pair. "That's just a preference. Can you lead us to the hangar bay?"

"Yes!" The man nods, "I can lead you there now, you- you can be my prisoners!"

"We can't leave yet." You tell the two.

"What? Why?"

"Kylo Ren stole something from me and we can't leave until I get it back." Looking around, you keep your head low and keep your shoulders high. Your mentality is that if you act like you're supposed to be there, then everyone will assume that you are. You just hope it works, you don't want Ren to figure out that you're about to move a chess piece forward. About to walk out and become exposed, you pull Finn back before he can bump into Hux.

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