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The sound of a ship coming out of hyperspace makes Rey instantly perk up. Setting her food down, she stands quickly as if she's rehearsed this a million times. Though she can't see the ship, she runs towards the sound of it. Poe said that though Jakku is small and seemingly insignificant, this place is historic. It used to have a small Rebel Alliance outpost. You sense that this is where you're supposed to be right now.

The light from the Jakku sun shines into your eyes brightly as you step from the ship. Gasping, you crawl from the wreckage, lifting yourself up just in time as the ship sinks further into the ground.

"You made it," Finn states, his shoes in front of your face.

"How long since we landed? I feel like I've been asleep for days." You sigh, taking a breath before you stand.

"I think it's been a day," Finn admits, "When I woke up, the sun was just rising."

Frowning, you turn to see the last of the ship roaring as it fades forever, "You were going to pull me from the wreckage if I didn't wake up, right?" You muse, standing up with a cough.

Finn doesn't answer, just turns to face the massive dunes. You see him wearing Poes brown jacket, and without a word, you glance back to where the ship once crash-landed. You understand.

Finn begins to walk south, you watch him struggling to find steady breath under the scorching sun. "The outpost is this way." You alert him. Finn pauses, glancing at you for confirmation but you've already begun walking.

Finn's gasping for air, for water, searching anywhere for it. You watch him with furrowed brows as he spots a trough of water for animals. He drinks from the disgusting water and for once, you feel lucky being force-sensitive. Another perk is... you can feel someone's eyes on you. Turning, you spot a figure watching you in the distance.

A girl.

You can't help but let your eyes linger on her for a while, as she stares at you and Finn. You follow her downward gaze, seeing the orange and white droid beside her feet. And it sees Finn, who bolts to the left without a single word.

You let out a sigh, rushing behind him to see the conundrum unfold as the girl and the droid keep their sights set on the brown jacket. A loud thud stops you and you see Finn on the ground, though no one sees you yet. "Who are you?" Rey shouts, holding her metal staff to his chin.

"What? Who are you?" Finn responds, propping himself on his elbows to give the girl an incredulous look. BB-8 speeds up to Finn, holding his taser out and shocking the ex-trooper back to the floor again, "Ouch, okay!"

"That jacket, it was his masters." Rey says sternly, "Where is he?"

"Yeah, P-Poe!" Finn nods to the droid, "He helped me escape the Order, I owe him my life!"

"Where is he?" Rey asks more forcefully.

"He didn't make it." You step in, holding your hands up in the air when Rey points her staff towards you, though it would do no harm.

"Who are you people?" Rey asks, curious and unsure.

"I'm..." Finn trails off, looking to the droid and then to Rey, "I'm with the Resistance."

BB-8 doesn't say anything, just gives Finn a sort of look. Honestly, the droid doesn't know everyone int he Resistance... he only knows who's not in the Resistance. And when it looks at you again, it emits a number of beeps that alert everyone in the room that you're not a friend of theirs. "You're right," you respond to the droid, "I'm not with them. But I helped him and Poe escape."

"Why were you on a First Order ship?"

"Ren likes to take prisoners," you announce, "As I'm sure we're all aware of. I'm sorry about Poe." You tell the droid, who beeps sadly as he tilts his head towards the ground. Turning to Finn, you help him stand. He gives you a wary look, wondering why you didn't tell them his true identity.

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