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You can sense him. It makes your cheeks heat up, yet your heart beats rapidly with fear. How? "How did you get on this ship?" You shout, tears coming to your eyes. You're afraid. You don't know where he is. He's everywhere yet nowhere to be seen.

"Turn around."

Overcome with the feeling that you can barely see, you turn despite the lightheaded feeling racing through your body. "Where are you?" You whisper, looking around the Falcon, "Where are you, Ben?"

"Ben's not here." Kylo shouts, grabbing you by your shoulders and you stumble backwards. Your back hits the floor and when you open your eyes, you see the room you're in is engulfed in flames. "Ben's never been here."

Though you're shocked to find him beside you, you turn to see Kylo laying next to you. The yellow flames on the ceiling above illuminate his face beautifully. His eyes look golden. "We have to leave..." You tell him, though you don't move one bit, "This place is..." you look at the silent flames, a projection of nothing, it's as if they're not engulfing the room, "We're going to die here."

Kylo tears his eyes away from the growing fire and he turns to you, his nose almost brushing yours. "Together." He confirms your statement, his eyes coming to a close.

His lips form a circle and he expels a breath of air. It's silent. You say nothing, you just look up at the ceiling and you swear the more you look, the more you can hear the high-pitched sizzling of the fire. It grows louder and louder. And suddenly, like a vision of something you've witnessed before, the ceiling comes crashing down in a loud, furious heap.

Sirens blare in your ears. Your eyes are filled with bright light. Hands grip your left shoulder. The first thing you do is turn to your right, looking for him. "Someone's docking us!" Finn shouts, nudging your shoulder.

You can't hear him. "What?"

"Someone's taking us on board." He repeats, his voice filled with panic. Finn furrows his eyebrows, wondering what's gotten into you. It's as if you're still asleep.

"I can't override it, we're boarding!" Rey announces, grabbing her staff and rushing up to you and Finn. You stand quickly, your mind trying to come up with something, anything. For all you know, you could be in the hands of The First Order once again. And so soon, after leaving.

"This is a smugglers ship," you announce, "There are hidden compartments everywhere, follow me!" Heading to the main hold, you stand in the hallway and lift the grate to the smugglers passage underneath the floor. Rey and Finn enter, and you're standing outside, you look down at them, "Stay hidden, I'll turn whoever it is away."

They don't have much time to argue, nor do you think they would. The front door to the Falcon opens. "Chewie, we're home." You can't believe your eyes. Chewie roars loudly, his eyes on you as he taps Han's shoulder.

"I thought I'd run into you sooner or later." You mumble, unable to tear your eyes away from the face of Han Solo, a face that your brain immediately picks out similarities to Ben.

Han puts his blaster away, his hands coming to rest on his hips as he lets out a small sigh, "I assumed we'd meet under different circumstances... but..." He shrugs, his eyes cast toward the ground, "Where was she?"

"Jakku." You snort.

"What the hell were you doing on that junk planet?" Han asks, brushing past you to head for the main controls in the cockpit. You follow.

"Running away from your son." You respond, seeing Hans shoulders tense, just as Ren's do from time to time.

"Who else is on board?" Han asks, turning to face you when you don't respond, "Chewie check the place. If she's telling the truth then there's no way she piloted this on her own." With a roar, Chewie leaves the cockpit.

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