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You're sat by the lake next to Maz's, trying to catch your breath and sort your thoughts out. How do you even begin to find Kylo Ren? And when you see him, who knows if he'll give you the mercy of listening. "Searching for me?"

Gasping, you stand, hand grabbing your lightsaber and igniting it. You face the robotic voice. It's him. You examine him, seeing the shadows of the light bouncing off of his face, but it comes from a different direction than where the sun hangs in the sky.

"How are you here?" You ask him, eyes wide with confusion and a sense of fear that you've never felt before, "I didn't sense you arrive." The mask he wears makes you feel as though you're talking to a mannequin, something lifeless and still. "You're not... here. What is this?"

"You want to run but you can't." Is all he responds with, ignoring your questions. He doesn't even seem phased by the fact that the force is connecting the two of you. "It's too late to run now." Kylo muses, his hands coming up to his helmet. He takes it off, his brown eyes staring you down, making you feel weak.

There's a red glimmer shining into the corner of your eye, and you turn to see the small waves on the lake illuminating a red ball of light. Kylo watches you, studying the manner in which the force connects the two of you, though he says nothing about it. Narrowing your eyes at the reflection in the water, you turn your gaze towards the sky. A line of red light tears its way through the sky and you watch as it expands into multiple beams, stopping at different moments as if it's hit an invisible wall. eyes wide with realisation, you snap your head back to Kylo who has taken a step toward you.

"See you soon."

You hear a Wookie's roar and you turn around, shocked. Han rushing up to you but he pauses when he sees the figure before you. When you turn to look at Ren, you feel he's already looking back at you. It takes only a moment for him to fade from your view, disappearing just as quickly as he had arrived.

"The Order," you mutter to Han, eyes cast on the ground the entire time. You kill your lightsaber but you don't let it go, if anything your hand grips it even tighter, "They're coming, you need to run."

"No, no more running," Han responds, shaking his head. He's about to continue but a ground-shaking blast shoots through the air, you see it knock into Maz's balcony. Stone comes tumbling down to the ground, knocking down everything in its wake. "We have to face this."

"We don't have to do anything!" You exclaim back, pointing a finger to your own chest, "I'm not part of your Resistance!"

Above you, the whir of three tie-fighters lights up the sky. They head straight for the palace, and you can see Maz's statue beginning to crumble. "You know what's right and wrong," Han continues to try, "You're really gonna let Maz's home be destroyed?"

Clenching your jaw, you let out a low growl, "Fuck."

Without acknowledging Han's statement, you break into a sprint, in the direction of the palace. You see Rey, looking at the deteriorating building with horror in her eyes. You can see men clad in white raiding the place and you stop beside her, Han and Chewie fighting their way into where the palace once stood. Something pulls at you, forcing you to look up into the sky. His ship. You recognise it. You try to ignore the sinking feeling in your chest when it begins to land. The only thing that breaks you from staring at Kylo's ship and feeling his growing presence is the sound of a blaster being fired beside you.

With your wide eyes suddenly on Rey, you see a stormtrooper five feet away sink to the ground. Rey looks just as shocked as you, bringing her hand down and staring at the weapon in her hands. It was the first shot she's ever taken. You can feel her turmoil, the fact that the trooper may be dead flooding her mind. But you hear her thoughts loud and clear and you know that when she starts shooting more troopers, she's angrier than she's ever been in her life.

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