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Maz's palace stands tall and proud, towering against the backdrop of a stunning lake. Finn and Rey follow Han closely, in just as much admiration of the place as you are. Whenever you come here, you feel this sense of familiarity. Takodana is a safe haven for criminals, no doubt. You'll be seeing some of your smuggler friends... or enemies... within Maz's place. You watch Rey's light eyes scanning the big statue, and there's something going on in her mind that you can't quite put your finger on. Brushing it off as being overtired, you stop at the entrance of the palace. With your lightsaber at your side, you should feel more secure. Though you know you can no longer follow Finn and Rey on their mission, you have all you need. You've seen majority of the map, maybe you can figure the rest out on your own.

"You coming, kid?" Han questions, his eyes searching yours as an attempt to figure out your motive. Something about leaving you to fend for yourself makes Han feel uneasy. Will you really just leave to go your own way? Rey's gaze meets yours. She wants you to join them.

"What're we doing here, Solo?" Finn wonders. You furrow your eyebrows at the nickname he gives Han. Solo.

"You think it was luck that Chewie and I found the Falcon?" Han asks, "If we can find it on our scanners, the First Orders not far behind. Wanna get BB-8 to the Resistance? Maz Kanata's our best bet at getting a clean ship. Oh... And whatever you do," Han turns to Finn and Rey, stopping just outside the red door, "Don't stare."

"At what?" They both ask in unison. You watch them, looking completely out of place.

"Any of it." Is all Han says before entering the place.

"Good luck." You mumble to them, heading inside after Han. Taking a breath when the door slides open, you follow Han. It's loud and packed inside and music fills your ears. The smell of alcohol and sweat fills the space, taking you back to when you'd step inside this place with your crew, coming off a big smuggling job. After placing a tray upon the table, Maz tilts her head back. She senses a presence she hasn't felt in a long time.

"Han Solo!" She shouts loudly. Suddenly the music stops, you hear glass shatter, you look to see everyone's eyes on the man beside you. You chuckle quietly, looking to Han who stands there a little awkwardly.

"Oh, boy," Han mumbles softly, forcing a big grin to his face, "Hey, Maz!" He shouts back, throwing his hand up in a wave.

As Maz makes her way towards the group, the music and chatter continue. Though you know no ones forgotten that Han Solo is here and that usually means sketchy jobs with lots of money. "Where's my boyfriend?" Maz questions Han, looking up at him with a deadpanned expression.

The sight of Rey and Finn looking to Han with confusion all over their faces almost makes you laugh. Glancing at Finn, Han then looks back to Maz and answers her question, "Chewie's working on the Falcon."

As if she can sense the confusion, Maz looks at the two newcomers, "I like that Wookie," she clarifies, "What is this?" She narrows her eyes sceptically, "You two here together? Where is Ben?" She asks forcefully. When no one answers, she assumes it's just the two of you with two strangers, "Hm. I always thought I'd see you two together when Ben had returned."

"Yeah," Han whispers, "Me too."

"I assume you need something. Desperately." Maz gazes at the unfamiliar faces but her eyes land on you. You know she's wondering why you're here. At the peak of your smuggling, you'd avoid this place whenever you saw the Falcon or heard Han was in town. But that was long, long ago. You haven't been here in years. But nowhere you are, standing beside him as he lounges on a couch. "Let's get to it!"

"I'm looking for a ship." You answer her burning question.

Maz stands up on the couch to get to the table, her face now more levelled with hers, "You've grown. Very much... very, very much."

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