Chapter 10: Flashback Part 2

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"I'm in the de-details with the devilSo now the world can never get me on my level,"

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"I'm in the de-details with the devil
So now the world can never get me on my level,"

- My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark

PETE waited anxiously as the phone he was holding continued to ring, it took only two rings before someone picked up at the other end.

"Hello?" the hoarse voice at the other end spoke loudly.

Pete closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead with his free hand, he was aching for a cigarette but promised to not smoke whilst Ash was pregnant, "It's Pete, can we speak quietly, please. Ash is sleeping."

The man on the phone sneered with disgust at Pete's request, "What did you want Peter?" he snapped.

Pete took a deep breath, looking towards the crack of soft light coming from the bedroom door, she couldn't sleep with the lights off because of the fear of an intruder. Pete finally spoke, "I need something done," he paused, "There's someone who has been following me and Ash for months. I don't know what he wants with her, but I'm scared of what he's going to do when he gets close."

Pete swallowed, listening to the sound of nothing but crackling on the end of the line, "A stalker?" he asked.

Pete's foot began to tap quietly, he didn't know what he was doing. "I think he's someone she knew a while ago, he's obsessed with her," he followed up with.

"A stalker then? I can send some of my best men to help... sort the situation out.," the man confirmed, and Pete could sense the pleasure in his voice.

"Thank you, Leonardo," Pete breathed, wanting to end the phone call as soon as he possibly could.

The man at the other end spoke quickly, "Fees, Peter, fees. This is not a favour, we are a private organisation."

Pete tensed up, waiting for Ash to wake up, but she hadn't heard, "How much?" he croaked out.

Pete heard Leonardo shuffle some papers around at his end and then he finally spoke, "$600,000 seems fair."

Pete choked on his words, "That's too much! I can't."

"Peter, this situation, is serious right? Money can't buy the safety of your family, right? This will be on our hands, you do not need to worry."

Pete thought for a second and heard Ashlee stir slightly in her sleep, "Okay," he whispered.

Leonardo laughed, "Situation will be dealt with. I'd like the money soon," and with that, he hung up leaving Pete sweating with anxiety.

He did not have that amount of money to just throw away like that.

"Pete, Pete!" Pete was suddenly torn away from his thoughts as he heard Ashlee wake.

He frantically pushed into their bedroom and saw her sweating, as her white knuckles gripped the edge of the bed, "Have your waters broken?" he asked quickly.

She shook her head, "No, look at the window," she whispered, pointing.

Pete headed to the window and on first glances he couldn't see anything until he spotted the window open a crack and a small camera fitted in the corner. They had been watched. Pete clenched his hands into fists and throw it to the floor before stamping it into pieces, he instantly knew he had made the right decision with Leonardo.

"Sssh Ash, it's okay. We will move soon, go and stay with your parents for a bit okay? I'll look after the house," he spoke soothingly, attempting to calm her.

Daylight had broken into the room, it was early but neither of them felt like sleeping. Ashlee got up to take a shower and Pete took the time to step out onto their balcony. He heard a rustling of leaves in the distance and squinted to try and see. A man's voice swore, and he heard footsteps, he was trying to run. He was scared.

So he should be, Pete thought and smiled to himself. He fumbled in his pockets and found a cigarette, he looked at it for a second, rolling between his thumb and forefinger. Ashlee would kill him for it, but he needed it. He lit it up and breathed in the fumes, eyelids fluttering shut, it tasted good. He finally breathed out, this would be his secret.

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