Chapter 13: The Take Over, The Breaks Over

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"But don't pretend you ever forgot about me

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"But don't pretend you ever forgot about me.
Don't pretend you ever forgot about me."

CARMEN woke up with the sun flooding the room and she blinked a few times before remembering where she was. She sighed and heaved herself up as Dallon knocked and then walked in, a boy on his shoulders and a girl clutching his top from behind, "Sorry about the kiddos," he indicated and smiled.

Carmen smiled back genuinely, and the girl spotted the teddy bear. She darted forwards, grabbing the bear, and heading out of the room.

"You're special," Dallon started and Carmen blinked a few times.

"She never lets anyone touch her teddy," he finished and lifted the boy down from his shoulders. "Amelie and Knox go wake up mommy," and he laughed as he heard little footsteps pad into his room and the sound of Breezy laughing.

Carmen sat uncomfortably, she felt like she was intruding in on the happy family. She had resorted to looking down at her chipped nails. A towel was placed on the end of the bed and she heard Dallon speak again, "We can talk later, go have a shower. There are some clothes on our bed."

Carmen was about to protest and tell them that she was going to go home until he spoke again, "I know what Pete is like, there's something you'd wear in there," and Carmen laughed slightly, hearing his name was so painful.

She waited until he was out of the room before grabbing the towel and heading to the bathroom.


Carmen stepped out of the warm shower, thankful she had taken up the offer. She wrapped the towel around her waist and squeezed the remaining water from her hair, before planting her hand either side of the sink and glancing up in the mirror at herself. There was slight bruising around her neck and a healing gash on her head.

"Ouch," she mumbled.

Realising that there was probably a queue for the shower, she unlocked the door and quickly left the room before walking straight into someone.

"Fuck, sorry!" she gasped, clutching her towel tighter around her body.

There was a topless man stood in front of her, chewing on a piece of bread. Her eyes flickered across his body, blinking a few times before returning to his face and blushing when he had noticed and was smirking.

"I'm Brendon, sorry to scare you," he spoke confidently holding out a hand to shake.

"Urie?" she asked, awkwardly holding her towel with one hand, and shaking his free hand.

Brendon smiled before glancing towards the stairs as if he were waiting for something. He held a finger to his lips.

"Brendon Urie leave the poor girl alone," Dallon's voice echoed up the stairs and Brendon giggled, he ran a hand through his hair and nodded once before bouncing down the stairs.

Carmen watched him bounce down the stairs, 'Brendon fucking Urie," she whispered, apparently, she was meeting all of her idols.

There was a collection of clothes left on the bed, that were definitely not Breezy's and too small to be Dallons. She stood in clean underwear and a bra, admiring the collection on the bed. It had been a long time since she had worn any band merch. She decided on a pair of skinny leather pants that seemed to fit her well and an oversized Ramones top. She left her hair to air dry and walked downstairs to meet Breezy who was smiling.

"They fit you!" she exclaimed, lightly hugging her to make her feel more at ease.

"Whose are they?" Carmen asked, pursing her lips and stepping back from Breezy's arms.

She didn't answer, and then Carmen realised. Her eyes flickered over to Brendon who was still eating.

"No fucking way," she gasped and Breezy laughed again.

"They're clean and old, don't worry,"

Carmen forced some breakfast into her system with the eyes of Brendon Urie on her, well his, pants. Her mind was elsewhere, she wanted to know if Pete was safe. She was constantly on edge that those men would find her. She definitely would not feel safe on her own.

Dallon and Breezy allowed her to stay with them for the next week and Carmen grew to adore their children. She would spend most evenings playing games with them or napping on the sofa with Amelia curled up on her feet and Knox curled under her arm.

"She can't stay forever Dall," Breezy spoke one evening, smiling as her two children laughed so hard that they got hiccups from Carmen's little games with them.

"I know," Dallon replied, "It's just, no one has heard from Pete in so long. I don't know if she's safe."

When Breezy took the children to bed, Carmen and Brendon sat on the sofa playing a two-player version of uno. Dallon was watching them and just laughed, he did not want to get on the competitive side of Brendon.

"That's not fair!" Brendon shouted, throwing his cards at Carmen.

Carmen laughed at him. His phone beeped and she watched as he checked his message. His face changed very quickly.

"Brendon?" Dallon asked nervously.

Brendon looked at Dallon sadly before looking over at Carmen, "It's Pete. He's go-gone into a co-coma," he stuttered.

Carmen stumbled up from the sofa, Brendon had already started to cry.

"What?" she demanded, "We need to go right now," she spoke, her voice wavering slightly, but she refused to cry.

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