Chapter 20: Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying

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"I know this hurts, it was meant to (it was meant to)Your secret's out and the best part is it isn't even a good one,"

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"I know this hurts, it was meant to (it was meant to)
Your secret's out and the best part is it isn't even a good one,"

THE room was silent except for the laughing from the man that stood in front of them. He sighed dramatically and waved a careless hand. Four smartly dressed men who were stood in the corner snapped to attention, forming a protective arch behind him. Carmen could feel the anger radiating from Pete, Leonardo had managed to boycott their wedding, he had placed his own men amongst their guests.

Leonardo's eyes scanned across the guests before landing on Carmen, and a smile crept onto his face. He stepped forwards, taking her hands into his and patting them softly. Fear trembled through Carmen as he brought her hands up to his lips before kissing them.

"Congratulations Mrs Wentz. I have to say, I am surprised you're still alive. Most victims don't last 24 hours," he laughed, "You're a fighter! No wonder why he chose you, you're not like the others." His voice changed, "You won't survive much longer Carmen," he spoke and let go of her hands as if they disgusted him.

Carmen breathed out a shaky breath and cradled her hands to her chest, she knew she was a fighter, but what little chances she had left of survival had just completely crumbled.

"You, Peter" he gestured angrily, "are impossibly difficult. You'll never see sense, not even when I'm killing your wife. Who else am I going to have to kill for you to see sense?"

The room remained quiet, and Pete held Carmen close to him. No one dared move in fear. Leonardo shook his head and looked at one of his men, nodding. He left formation and stormed across the room, pushing through guests until his eyes settled on a guest at the back of the room, a dark smile crept his face. His arms shot forward and he grabbed Sarah. Brendon cried out, reaching forward to grab Sarah's arm but the man dragged her towards Leonardo.

"Leonardo you don't need to do this," Pete stammered, stepping forwards.

"But I do Peter, I do," Leonardo sighed, sounding bored.

Brendon's face quivered in pain as he struggled to the front of the room, falling to his knees, tears falling freely from his face.

"Please," he croaked out, watching his wife cringe away from the gun held to her head.

Leonardo flicked his wrist carelessly, and Sarah wriggled, launching a kick with her free leg to his stomach. A gunshot echoed through the room and her body fell to the ground, bleeding profusely from her stomach. The man grit his teeth in anger and pointed the gun again, noticing she was still conscious, but Leonardo waved him away. Brendon clambered forwards pressing a hand tight to her wound and sobbing.

"Sarah, baby, please stay with me," he cooed.

Carmen's throat tightened, she wanted so badly to help but she knew they were outnumbered and calling the police at this time was out of the question. She put the pain aside and stepped forwards, angrily.

"What do you want? You've had your fun, she's dying. You don't need to hurt anyone else!" she begged, staring directly at him.

The smell of blood had begun to fill the room and Leonardo laughed sharply.

"You can't do anything for me. You're dying. It's Peter who owes me, I need that repayment. And besides, I'm having fun," he smiled down at Brendon who was desperately trying to keep Sarah alive.

Carmen breathed through her mouth, not wanting to smell her best friend's blood, and watched as Dallon shot over to Brendon. There was blood everywhere, and Carmen felt sick. Sick with fear and pain and everything.

"I don't have enough money, please. I was in a bad place, and Ashlee needed the protection. You won, you helped. Is that not enough?" It was the first time Pete had spoken in a while, the first time he had managed to tear his eyes away from the violence that he himself, felt like he had caused.

Leonardo reached behind him and pulled out his own gun, pointing it at a few people in the room, trying to work out which victim would destroy Pete, it couldn't be Carmen because Leonardo already knew she was dying. He sighed, pointing it towards Brendon. The girl was going to die any minute, best to take him out of the picture too, save him some grief, Leonardo thought and smiled discreetly to himself.

Dallon's eyes widened and he stepped in front of Brendon and Sarah.

"Please no," Dallon stuttered and Breezy cried out.

Leonardo snickered, "You're in love with him, aren't you? You can't fool me. Both married men, and yet both in love with each other," Leonardo knew he was winning when Dallon swallowed silently.

He chuckled to himself and lowered the gun, he knew he had created more pain and drama than if he were to kill Brendon. He had sabotaged family life instead. Carmen's mind went blank, she saw him lower the gun, and she thought of nothing else. In a split second, she had lurched forwards to grab the gun from his hand and pointed it at him. His men raised theirs to meet her actions and she trembled, she couldn't win.

"Trying to shoot me? You couldn't aim straight if you tried," he cackled at her.

"Want to play that game?" she mumbled back, finger positioned on the trigger.

Leonardo eyed his men nervously, yes if she shot, she could kill, but then she would die at the hands of his men. It would all be a wasted moment. His men backed off and left the room.

"I am going to be back for one last time Wentz. If I don't have my money by then, I am going to kill every one of your friends and watch you suffer," he spoke loudly, addressing not Pete, but the room.

"Keep the gun, Mrs Wentz, you may need it to put yourself out of your misery."

He left the room and Carmen dropped the gun nervously.

"Fuck," she whispered as the whole room burst into noise.

"I'm calling the police," Patrick wheezed.

"They're never going to catch him, Patrick," Pete snapped, picking up the gun.

"Pete, for fuck's sake. He just shot Sarah," Andy cried out.


Dallon had to drag Brendon away from Sarah as the ambulance rushed in to help her. His cries echoed through Carmen's head and every time she shut her eyes, she could see Sarah's blood. She lay beside Pete, none of them could sleep.

"Pete," she whispered.

"I love you remember," she whispered.

"I love you too," he replied, forcing a smile.

"I'm not going to be around much longer, I can feel it. I'm not going to be there when Leonardo comes again. You have the gun remember, you have to shoot him," she whispered, stroking his face.

Pete sniffed, and a tear crept down onto the pillow.

"You are, don't say that. We are going to be okay, and we are going to have our families," he croaked out.

"You want kids?" he asked suddenly, smiling at the thought.

Carmen nodded, shutting her eyes, and holding his hand as they attempted to sleep.

"Then we will have kids and dogs. I'll be touring and taking you with me. We can travel and do stupid things together," he listed the future they both wanted.

None of that was going to happen, Carmen knew that. She also knew that Pete knew that. He just couldn't accept it. She wanted him to continue living his life, and to remarry and have children. He'd be happy and Leonardo out of the picture. But Carmen struggled to piece him a future that didn't involve herself.

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