Chapter 14: The (After) Life Of The Party

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"I'm a stitch away from making itAnd a scar away from falling apart, apart,"

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"I'm a stitch away from making it
And a scar away from falling apart, apart,"

CARMEN and Brendon stumbled into each other as they pushed through the hospital doors and stared aimlessly at the sign on the wall.

"This is useless!" Brendon moaned throwing his hands up in defeat.

Whilst him and Dallon were arguing and pointing at the different wards, Carmen trundled over to the lime green information desk.

"Can you help me? I'm looking for Pete Wentz?" she mumbled to the lady at the desk.

The receptionist sighed and slowly typed on her keyboard. Carmen tapped her foot nervously as she watched the lady, her greying hair had been thrown up into a messy bun and a few loose strands tickled her cheeks. She had a fair few wrinkles and Carmen decided that she was probably very pretty when she was younger. Her eyes were the only thing that stood out, they were a bright green that reminded Carmen of a forest of trees.

"5th floor. Room 106, are you a relative?" she asked, raising her eyebrow at Carmen.

Carmen began to shake her head, but Brendon pushed his way to the desk and spoke, "Hello, I'm Brendon Urie, this is Dallon Weekes. We are his best friends. This is Carmen, his wife. He is in a coma. So, would you please show us the way."

The receptionist was startled at Brendon's confidence and she carelessly pointed to a set of stairs. Dallon had managed to make his way to the top without a worry whereas Brendon and Carmen were practically dragging each other up the stairs. Brendon took a moment to catch a breather whereas Carmen had already pushed on, starting to run to find his room.

"Should've - taken - the lift," Brendon wheezed and Dallon smiled weakly before grabbing his hand and following after Carmen.

They glanced at every door until they found room 106, they watched as Carmen placed her hand on the handle and then stopped. She couldn't do it, Pete didn't need to see her. He needed his friends and family; she was not his family.

"You okay?" Dallon whispered placing a hand on her back.

"No," Carmen breathed, her stomach was knotting, and she felt like she could throw up.

Brendon took her hand and they opened it together, but nothing could prepare them for what they saw. Pete was led in the bed with tubes and wires dotted around his body, keeping him alive. The heart monitor beat slowly in the corner. Her whole world felt like it had crashed around her. She looked away from his peaceful face and towards the chair in the corner where Bronx lay curled up on Ashlee's lap, his face scrunched up in sadness. She was also sound asleep. It was clear that she didn't care about Pete the way that Carmen did. She was only there for Bronx's sake.

Brendon collapsed in the other spare chair and Dallon kept a hand on his back and rubbed slowly, attempting to soothe the broken man. Carmen didn't think it was odd in any way, she knew they were both married but she also believed there was something more between them. Carmen snapped back into reality when Ashlee shifted awake and slid Bronx off her onto the chair. Carmen felt uncomfortable as Ashlee pulled her in for an awkward hug.

"Hey," she said softly.

Carmen smiled weakly at her, and opened her mouth, attempting to string together some words. "How is he?" she asked quietly.

Ashlee's soft smile faded quickly, "He drank a lot, he's smoked a lot. He's completely abused his body, they're not sure if he's going to wake up."

Carmen bit her lip and held back a sob, "I've made a mistake, I shouldn't be here," she mumbled quickly, turning to grab the door.

"He loves you, we can all tell. The way he adores you and acts around you, I've never witnessed that," Ashlee admit suddenly, downcast eyes looking at Carmen.

She scooped her son into her arms and nodded at both Brendon and Dallon. "Good night," and stepped towards Carmen who was frozen at the door. "If you wouldn't mind," she asked, and Carmen held the door open for her. She was about to leave before she turned to Carmen once more, "Be careful of him," she warned, turning and leaving.

Carmen allowed herself to collapse into the chair beside the bed and she carefully took Pete's hand in hers, she was scared she would break him. She hated the way he felt like a doll, his arms were limp but he felt warm. Her eyes wandered up to his face, he looked as if he was just sleeping and she smiled softly, remembering the nights she lay watching him sleep. It was always the most relaxed he looked, as if there was nothing truly haunting him. His face was a lot paler than it usually was and she snapped back to reality, a tear dripping down her face.

"Hey Pete, it's me. It's Carmen. I'm here now, so it's all okay, you can wake up when you're ready, and I'll still be here. Your friends are with you, and your fans are praying for you, and Bronx is waiting for you love," she struggled to speak with the sobs that threatened to drown her.

The room remained silent after she spoke apart from the quiet humming of the heart monitor and Brendon who had begun to silently weep. It stayed that way until the night sky had turned pitch black and Brendon's soft snoring had filled the room.

"Maybe I should take him home," Dallon whispered to Carmen, who was too afraid to shut her eyes.

Carmen looked over and nodded, "That's okay. Thank you for helping me," she spoke, her voice was hoarse.

Dallon smiled, "It's not a problem, the kiddos adore you. You're welcome back any time."

She nodded at him before looking back at Pete, all she wanted to do was to get up on the bed and curl up with him, but there were too many tubes and wires and she didn't want to risk hurting him. Dallon had gently shaken Brendon awake and they both left. As soon as the door shut, Carmen's shoulders slumped, and she let her head fall back against the chair, swearing quietly.

"Miss, it's time to go now," a nurse spoke, coming into the room.

Carmen nodded and got up slowly, she kissed Pete on his head and touched his cheek. "Wake up soon Wentz," she whispered.

She left the hospital quickly, hating the feeling of being in the place. She had promised Pete that she would be there when he wakes up, but she wasn't sure he would ever wake up.

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