Forget Me, Not?

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Mest is still waiting in the Library. But Natsu isn't there. I guess he figured that I wouldn't choose us.

"Are you sure you want them? You'll remember your time with Natsu, but you'll also remember him almost killing you. You don't have to go through this if you don't want too," he reassures me.

"Natsu didn't do that to me, Mara did. And yes. I do want to remember. If Natsu were in my position, he wouldn't hesitate to regain his memories. I don't want to be a coward Mest," I look at him. My mind is made up and one could even say I have a fire in my belly.

"Alright, close your eyes," he directs me.

I do, and my memories start flooding in. Me stumbling and Natsu catching me, kissing me. Telling him I love him. Him making love to me under the stars. Proposing to me, and taking a bath with me. Him begging me not to die and to keep my promise to him. It all comes back to me like a torrent. I'm blushing so furiously, we're engaged.

I open my eyes once they have all returned to me, every grisly detail.

"Do you remember?" He asks.

"Yes. Where's Natsu?"

"He stormed out of the guild hall. A few minutes ago, I doubt he's gotten far," he looks at me with a half smile.

"Thank you Mest," I say squeezing his hand before booking it out of the guild.

I wish I had a strong sense of smell like Natsu, because I have no idea what direction he went. I'm just blindly running. I run towards my home, my heart is pounding as my feet hit the pavement. Then I see a figure overlooking the water stand up and turn his nose in my direction as if he's smelled me coming. The closer I get, the more pink I see.

"Natsu!" I race towards him faster now. He seems confused but he starts walking in my direction.

I run even faster, eliminating the distance between us. I can't help it, I throw myself in his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist.

He wraps his arms around me to steady me but before he can ask me if I have them back, I've crushed my lips to his.

I can't believe I ever considered not remembering us. Tears pool in my eyes hot and heavy as he kisses me back with fervency.

I can't help myself. I missed him. I know I just saw him, but my brain didn't ache for him, the way it does now that I remember.

He slides his tongue against mine and holds me so tightly against him that I can't even wiggle. After a few heavy moments, I remind myself we are in public and pull back to rest my forehead against his.

"Natsu," I breathe out, my voice shaky from all the palpitating my heart has been doing. He noticed the tears on my face and wipes them away.

"Do you..?" He can't finish the sentence.

"Yes, and now we have to drop the bomb on everybody that I'm marrying you," I say giving him a half smile.

He closes his eyes and smiles so widely as he spins us around, "Lucy I missed you," he nuzzles my neck and breathes in my scent.

I tip his chin up to meet my gaze as he sets me down on the ground, "I missed you too," I plant a kiss on his lips.

"Do you want to tell them now?" He asks me, pulling my hips against his, so we are flush against each other.

"We can tell them tomorrow, tonight, I just want to be with you, it's been a long couple of days," I look up at his green eyes. He slides his fingers through mine and pulls my hand.

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